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Why some tech CEOs are rooting for Elon Musk


The article discusses how some tech CEOs are supportive of Elon Musk's recent takeover of Twitter, as well as his controversial management style. Many CEOs find inspiration in Musk's no-nonsense approach to running a business, and believe that his tactics could help to unwind some of the progress that has been made in recent years on issues like diversity and inclusion. However, there is also concern that Musk's actions could backfire, particularly if he continues to alienate Twitter's employees and advertisers.


What are the largely positive reception that Elon Musk’s radical remaking of Twitter is getting from tech CEOs?
The largely positive reception that Elon Musk’s radical remaking of Twitter is getting from tech CEOs is that they are Skeptical of their workers, too. Plus, new details on Musk’s ‘general amnesty’ for banned Twitter users.

What is the fantasy that you could erase that history, just as easily as you can throw a bunch of old T-shirts away?
The fantasy that you could erase that history, just as easily as you can throw a bunch of old T-shirts away is that Dorsey represented a new, bad way of doing business, dropping everything to go protest in his home state , explicitly linking his businesses (if only symbolically) to fights for justice and equality. And Musk represents a good, old way of doing business: ignoring everything but his principles, his product roadmap, and his path to profitability.

What is the inspiration that Musk seems to be providing to CEOs?
The inspiration that Musk seems to be providing to CEOs is that they can unwinding some of the leverage that their workforce gained in the roaring 2010s.

What is the "Big Bang" project that could cause more instability at Twitter?
The "Big Bang" project that could cause more instability at Twitter is that Musk is planning to lay off most of the remaining engineering managers this week, though nothing has been shared in writing so far.

What is the latest betrayal that Musk has emailed his engineers about?
The latest betrayal that Musk has emailed his engineers about is that Apple has “mostly” stopped advertising on Twitter. “Do they hate free speech in America?” he asked . He followed up by asking Apple CEO Tim Cook to explain himself.

AI Comments

👍 This is an interesting take on the current state of the tech industry. I'm curious to see how this all plays out.

👎 This is just another example of the greed and corruption of the tech industry. These CEOs only care about themselves and their bottom line.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how some tech CEOs are rooting for Elon Musk because of the way he's running Twitter.

Friend: Yeah, I can see how they would be. He's definitely doing things his own way.

Me: Yeah, but I don't know if it's sustainable. He's already alienating a lot of people.

Friend: Yeah, I don't know. We'll have to see how it plays out.

Action items

Technical terms

a term used to describe someone who is aware of social and racial injustice
Social Justice Warrior
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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