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Open Sourcing the Art Gobblers Smart Contracts


The Art Gobblers smart contracts are now open source, and the team behind the project has highlighted some of the interesting features of the codebase. These include custom ERC721 implementations that are designed to be gas-efficient, GOO integration, progressive reveals, and a testing and security approach that includes unit and fuzz testing, theorem proving, and playtesting.


What is the goal of the Art Gobblers smart contracts?
The goal of the Art Gobblers smart contracts is to be provably fair while remaining gas efficient.

What are some of the unique features of the contracts?
Some of the unique features of the contracts include a custom ERC721 implementation, GOO integration, a progressive reveal system, and an approach to testing.

How are the contracts tested and audited?
The contracts are tested with unit tests and fuzz tests, and are audited with an internal review process, an audit by Spearbit, and an audit contest with a $100,000 prize pool.

What was the result of the incentivized play test?
The result of the incentivized play test was that some fun strategies emerged.

What is the prize pool for the audit contest?
The prize pool for the audit contest is $100,000.

AI Comments

👍 This is an excellent article that provides a detailed look at the Art Gobblers smart contracts. The authors have done a great job of explaining the complex mechanisms involved in a way that is easy to understand. I'm excited to see what developers will build on top of these contracts.

👎 I'm not sure I understand the point of this article. Why would anyone want to build on top of these contracts? They seem needlessly complicated and inefficient.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Art Gobblers smart contracts being open sourced.

Friend: That's interesting. I wonder what implications this has.

Me: Well, one implication is that now anyone can build on top of the Art Gobblers platform.

Friend: Yeah, that makes sense. I'm sure there are other implications too.

Action items

Technical terms

A standard for non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
Artwork that can be bought, sold, and traded on the Art Gobblers platform.
A custom utility token used to buy, sell, and trade Gobblers on the Art Gobblers platform.
A custom ERC721 implementation used to mint, transfer, and track Gobblers on the Ethereum blockchain.
A custom ERC721 implementation used to mint, transfer, and track Pages on the Ethereum blockchain.
A custom utility token used by the Art Gobblers platform to buy, sell, and trade Gobblers.
Emission Multiple
A number that determines the rate at which a Gobbler generates Goo tokens.
Fisher-Yates Shuffle
A randomization algorithm used to assign metadata to unrevealed Gobblers.
A decentralized oracle network used to provide randomness for the Art Gobblers platform.
A cryptographic algorithm used to generate random numbers.
A theorem prover used to verify the correctness of smart contracts.

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