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The key to becoming extraordinary


Bruce Springsteen is an example of an extraordinary musician. He has achieved longevity in the music industry by embracing his unique talents and interests instead of trying to compete with other musicians. Brian Eno provides his advice on how to stand out: to find one's first principles and use them to paint the target around which they can aim. By embracing one's idiosyncrasies and differences, they can become extraordinary.


What made Bruce Springsteen extraordinary?
Bruce Springsteen became extraordinary by doubling down on the quality that made him unique: His ability to write song lyrics.

What advice did Brian Eno give?
Brian Eno advised people to "shoot the arrow, then paint the target around it" and to "make the niches in which you finally reside."

How did Bruce Springsteen become a rock 'n' roll sensation?
Bruce Springsteen became a rock 'n' roll sensation by writing lyrics that capture the blue-collar spirit, show the distance between the American dream and the American reality, and allow his audience to find pieces of themselves in his music.

What are 'first principles' according to Eno?
First principles according to Eno are the Lego blocks of one's talents, interests, and preferences.

How can one become extraordinary by embracing their idiosyncrasies?
One can become extraordinary by embracing their idiosyncrasies rather than erasing them. By standing out from the crowd and showing contrast, one can become visible and make an impact.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great reminder to discover our own unique talents and embrace them in order to be extraordinary. The example of Bruce Springsteen is inspiring and shows that it is never too late to make a difference.

👎 This article fails to recognize that not everyone has the same access to resources and opportunities to make their dreams come true. It is not always easy to be extraordinary and the article overlooks this.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the key to becoming extraordinary. It talks about how Bruce Springsteen became a sensation by doubling down on the quality that made him unique: his ability to write song lyrics.

Friend: That's interesting. It makes a lot of sense.

Me: Yeah, and the article also talks about how we often want to aim for the biggest, most obvious target, and how we should instead look for our own unique qualities and paint the target around them. This way, we can stand out and become extraordinary.

Friend: That's true. We all have something special about us, and by embracing it instead of trying to hide it, we can become extraordinary. It's important to be proud of who we are and what makes us unique.

Action items

Technical terms

Bruce Springsteen
An American singer-songwriter and musician who has been performing since 1965.
The length of time something lasts.
A written account of someone's life.
Blue-Collar Spirit
A term used to describe the working class and their values.
American Dream
The idea that anyone can achieve success and prosperity through hard work.
American Reality
The actual state of the American economy and society.
Brian Eno
An English musician, composer, record producer, singer, and visual artist.
First Principles
A set of basic beliefs or assumptions that are used to form a foundation for further reasoning or behavior.
A peculiarity of behavior or personality.
The difference between two things.
Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

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