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Calmly Writer Online


Calmly Writer is a new online writing platform that allows users to create, save, and print their writing. It also has a downloadable app for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and allows users to open files from Google Drive. They also provide important information about how to backup their writing.


What is Calmly Writer?
Calmly Writer is an online writing tool.

What features does it offer?
It offers features such as word and character count, reading time, inserting pictures, full screen, printing, and settings.

Where can I download the Calmly Writer App?
The Calmly Writer App can be downloaded for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

How can I save my work?
You can save your work as a local file, or open from Google Drive.

What information do I need to know about backups?
You should be aware that backups are not automatically created when using Calmly Writer.

AI Comments

👍 Calmly Writer is a great tool for writers looking to easily format their documents and save them securely. The app is also available for multiple platforms, making it incredibly easy to access and use.

👎 It would be nice if Calmly Writer offered more features for writers, such as a spell checker or the ability to edit text with more precision.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a writing app called Calmly Writer. It looks like it's pretty useful because it has features like the ability to insert pictures, print, and save as.

Friend: That sounds really cool. What are the implications?

Me: Well, it could be really useful for anyone who needs to write frequently, like students, writers, or professionals. It also has the ability to save to your computer, Google Drive, or as a local file, which could be really helpful for saving important work. Plus, it has a backup feature, so you won't lose any of your work if something happens.

Action items

Technical terms

Calmly Writer
A free online writing platform that allows users to create, edit, and save documents.
A button that allows users to create a new document.
A button that allows users to open an existing document.
Save As
A button that allows users to save a document with a different name or in a different format.
Insert Picture
A button that allows users to insert an image into a document.
Full Screen
A button that allows users to view a document in full-screen mode.
A button that allows users to print a document.
A button that allows users to adjust the settings of the application.
Download Calmly Writer App
A button that allows users to download the Calmly Writer application for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Local File
A button that allows users to open a document stored on their local computer.
Open from Google Drive
A button that allows users to open a document stored in their Google Drive account.
Important info about backups
A section that provides information about how to back up documents created in Calmly Writer.

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