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The Tail End


This article reflects on the idea that life can be measured not only in units of time, but in activities and events. The author uses personal examples to demonstrate how the ratio of experiences that have already happened compared to those yet to come can vary significantly depending on the activity or event. The author concludes that the time we have left with important people in our lives is finite, and emphasizes the value of living in the same place as our loved ones, prioritizing our relationships, and treating the time we have left with them as precious.


What is the lifespan visually represented by?
The lifespan is visually represented by years, months, and weeks.

How many winters and Superbowls might someone who lives to 90 have left?
Someone who lives to 90 might have around 60 winters and 60 Superbowls left.

What is the ratio of activities or events already done to those still to come in a lifetime?
The ratio of activities or events already done to those still to come in a lifetime does not align with how far someone is through life.

How does the ratio of time spent with parents and loved ones change over the course of life?
The ratio of time spent with parents and loved ones decreases over the course of life.

What are three takeaways from the article?
Three takeaways from the article are: 1) Living in the same place as the people you love matters; 2) Priorities matter; 3) Quality time matters.

AI Comments

👍 This is an incredibly thought-provoking article that really makes you stop and think about the preciousness of time and relationships.

👎 This article is too long and could have been presented in a more concise manner.

AI Discussion

Me: It's an article about how our relationships with our family and friends take up a large portion of our lives, and how we should prioritize quality time with them.

Friend: That's an interesting concept. What are the implications?

Me: Well, it suggests that we should be aware of how much time we have left with those closest to us, and make sure to make the most of it. It also suggests that living close to our family and friends is important, as it allows us to spend more time with them. The article also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing our relationships, and making sure to take advantage of the time we have with those we care about.

Action items

Technical terms

Portable Document Format, a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.
Life in Weeks
A post that visually displays the human lifespan by years, months, and weeks.
Fenway Park, a baseball park located in Boston, Massachusetts.
The championship game of the National Football League (NFL).
Wait But Why
A website that publishes articles on topics such as science, technology, philosophy, and psychology.
A crowdfunding platform that allows creators to receive funding from patrons on a recurring basis.

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