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Seoul hit by first subway labor union walkout in 6 years


The article discusses a subway labor union walkout in Seoul, South Korea. The walkout is the first in six years, and it is affecting Lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The management is pushing ahead with a restructuring plan that the labor union sees as a step backward, and negotiations have so far failed to make headway. The walkout is expected to cause fewer trains to run during the rush hour, and the impact will be felt for at least eight days.


What is the Seoul Transportation Corp.?
The Seoul Transportation Corp. is the main operator of the Seoul Metro public transit network.

What is the management's downsizing plan?
The management's downsizing plan is to cut staff by 10 percent of its 16,000 workers over the course of five years to reduce losses.

What is the labor union's industrial action?
The labor union's industrial action is a walkout that began on Wednesday.

What is the impact of the strike?
The impact of the strike is that the transit network of South Korea's capital will run fewer trains daily, affecting Lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

When is the fifth round of talks?
The fifth round of talks is on Tuesday night.

AI Comments

👍 The strike will cause the transit network of South Korea's capital to run fewer trains daily, affecting Lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

👎 Such contingency measures can be sustained for at least eight days.

AI Discussion

Me: The article is about a subway labor union walkout in Seoul.

Friend: Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that was happening.

Me: Yeah, it's the first time in six years.

Friend: That's a long time.

Me: I know. It's going to cause some problems for people who rely on the subway to get around.

Friend: Yeah, that's not good.

Action items

Technical terms

A train that runs on tracks underground, typically in a city.
Labor union
An organization of workers that aims to protect the rights and interests of its members.
A protest in which workers refuse to work in order to show their dissatisfaction with their employer.
A reduction in the number of employees of a company.
Having left one's job and stopped working.
A company that supplies goods or services to another company.
Rush hour
The time of day when most people are traveling to or from work, typically in the morning and evening.
Contingency measures
Plans that are put in place to deal with an unexpected event.
A process of reorganizing a company in order to improve its efficiency or financial situation.

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