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Mathematical Methods for Analysing International Relations on JSTOR


The Social Scientist is an outstanding journal in social sciences and humanities that has been operating for over three decades. It provides analysis of trends, recorded changes, and forecasts of the future. It covers a wide range of topics such as economic policy, social change, institutions and organizations, and issues in history, methodology and theory. This article is part of a JSTOR Collection and is subject to Terms and Conditions.


What is the Social Scientist journal?
The Social Scientist journal is an outstanding journal in social sciences and humanities.

Who are the writers for the Social Scientist journal?
The writers for the Social Scientist journal are veteran and newcomer experts and brilliant young minds.

What topics are covered in the Social Scientist journal?
The topics covered in the Social Scientist journal include economic policy, social change, institutions and organizations, issues in history, methodology and theory.

What is the reputation of the Social Scientist journal?
The reputation of the Social Scientist journal is that it is an outstanding journal in social sciences and humanities.

What is the purpose of the Social Scientist journal?
The purpose of the Social Scientist journal is to analyse trends, record changes, and roadmap the future.

AI Comments

👍 The Social Scientist is an invaluable source of knowledge for teachers and students, containing articles from both veteran and emerging writers. It covers a wide range of topics from economic policy to social change and provides an invaluable resource for researchers.

👎 The Social Scientist does not provide a comprehensive overview of international relations, leaving out important aspects of the field that could be invaluable for researchers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about mathematical methods for analysing international relations. It's from a journal called Social Scientist, which has been around for over thirty years, and it tackles a variety of topics related to economics, social change, institutions, and organizations. The article is part of a JSTOR collection, so there are some terms and conditions to consider if you want to use it.

Friend: Interesting. What implications does this article have?

Me: Well, it shows that mathematics is a useful tool for analysing international relations, which could be useful for decision makers in politics, business, and other fields. It also suggests that the Social Scientist is a highly respected journal in the social sciences and humanities, and it's a good source for up-to-date information about these topics. Lastly, it demonstrates the importance of understanding the terms and conditions of a JSTOR collection before using it.

Action items

Technical terms

JSTOR (short for Journal Storage) is an online database of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It provides access to more than 12 million digital resources from over 1,400 publishers.
Social Scientist
The Social Scientist is an Indian journal of social sciences and humanities. It has been published since 1975 and covers topics such as economic policy, social change, institutions and organizations, and issues in history, methodology and theory.
A collection is a group of related items, such as books, articles, or images, that are gathered together and organized for a specific purpose.
Terms and Conditions
Terms and conditions are the rules and regulations that govern the use of a website, product, or service. They outline the rights and responsibilities of both the user and the provider.
Permissions are the rights granted by a copyright holder to allow someone else to use their work in a specific way. This could include the right to reproduce, distribute, or modify the work.

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