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Silicon Valley Bank: US-Finanzministerin Janet Yellen schließt staatliche Rettung aus


US Finanzministerin Janet Yellen hat eine staatliche Rettung der Silicon Valley Bank ausgeschlossen. Die Bank war infolge von Milliardenverlusten beim Verkauf von Wertpapieren in massive Schwierigkeiten geraten. Yellen sagte, dass die Regierung mit dem Bundeseinlagensicherungsfonds FDIC an einer Lösung für die Kunden arbeite, da 96 Prozent der Einlagen nicht durch die FDIC gedeckt sind. Die Silicon Valley Bank ist eine Bank, die seit den Achtzigerjahren eine große Rolle bei der Finanzierung von Start-up-Unternehmen in den USA spielte und Ende 2020 Kundeneinlagen von insgesamt 175,4 Milliarden Dollar hatte.


What did US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen say regarding the staate-funded bailout of Silicon Valley Bank?
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that the government would not provide a state-funded bailout of Silicon Valley Bank.

How much did Silicon Valley Bank hold in customer deposits at the end of 2022?
Silicon Valley Bank held 175.4 billion dollars in customer deposits at the end of 2022.

What role does the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) play in the US banking system?
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) plays a role in regulating and providing stability to the US banking system.

What has been the first federally insured bank to close since 2020?
The Silicon Valley Bank has been the first federally insured bank to close since 2020.

What role has Silicon Valley Bank played in financing start-up companies in the US since the 1980s?
Silicon Valley Bank has played a major role in financing start-up companies in the US since the 1980s.

AI Comments

👍 Es ist großartig zu sehen, dass die US-Regierung die Silicon Valley Bank nicht retten wird, sondern stattdessen daran arbeitet, ihren Kunden zu helfen.

👎 Es ist enttäuschend, dass die Silicon Valley Bank zusammengebrochen ist und die Kunden vor dem Verlust von Geldern geschützt werden müssen.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Silicon Valley Bank being closed down and US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen ruling out a government bailout.

Friend: Wow, that's concerning. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, 96% of customer deposits are not covered by the FDIC, so these customers risk losing their money. The US government is working with the FDIC to find a solution for the customers, such as having another bank take over the institution. It also shows that the US government is no longer willing to bail out big banks in trouble. This could be a worrying sign for the stability of the US banking system.

Action items

Technical terms

Silicon Valley Bank
A US-based financial institution that specializes in providing banking services to technology companies and venture capital firms.
Unable to pay debts or meet financial obligations.
Staatliche Rettung
Government intervention to rescue a failing business or financial institution.
Customer deposits.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a US government agency that insures deposits in banks and other financial institutions.
A company or individual that provides financing to start-up businesses.

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