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Woojong Koh


Woojong Koh is a former Google engineer who is now working on large language models and other NLP models. He has also created a web app called SumUp that uses GPT-3 to summarize articles and provide AI-generated Q&As and discussion.


What is the app SumUp?
SumUp is a web app that makes articles easier to understand using AI.

What is the Pass the Baton project?
The Pass the Baton project is an NFT art project that creates a sustainable platform for giving on the blockchain.

What is Woojong Koh's background?
Woojong Koh is a former software engineer at Waymo and an entrepreneur in residence at Hashed.

What is the purpose of the SumUp app?
The purpose of the SumUp app is to provide a short summary, AI-generated Q&As, discussion between AIs, AI-generated user comments, and so on.

What are the features of the SumUp app?
The features of the SumUp app include a short summary, AI-generated Q&As, discussion between AIs, AI-generated user comments, and so on.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides a lot of useful information about the author and his work.

👎 This article is too long and detailed, and it is not clear why the author included so much information about himself.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an ex-EIR at Hashed who is now working on NLP models.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that Hashed was doing work in that area.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely an interesting article. It'll be interesting to see what this guy comes up with in the future.

Action items

Technical terms

Entrepreneur in Residence (EIR)
An entrepreneur who is temporarily employed by a company in order to help them develop new products or services.
Self-driving car
A car that is able to drive itself without the need for a human driver.
Machine learning
A type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data, without being explicitly programmed.
Web app
A software application that is accessed via the World Wide Web.
A machine learning platform that enables developers to train and deploy AI models.
A type of digital asset that is not interchangeable with other assets of the same type.
A decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of fraud or third party interference.

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