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Banks prepare for deepest job cuts since the financial crisis


Banks are preparing for the deepest job cuts since the financial crisis, with Morgan Stanley cutting their CEO James Gorman's pay to $31.5 million after profits dropped. Rentokil is taking on the world's rat problem with facial recognition and Steven Cohen's Point72 has finally gained UK regulatory approval. The article also discusses topics such as the Euro regaining ground against the dollar, Elon Musk playing down the influence of his tweets on Tesla's share price, and older workers being wanted for flexible and desirable jobs.


What are the deepest job cuts expected in the banking sector since the financial crisis?
The deepest job cuts expected in the banking sector since the financial crisis are those that are being prepared for.

What measures are banks taking to address the job cuts?
Banks are taking measures such as cost-cutting and restructuring to address the job cuts.

What are the consequences of the job cuts for the global economy?
The consequences of the job cuts for the global economy include a decrease in economic activity, a decrease in consumer spending, and a decrease in investment.

How have the job cuts affected the banking industry?
The job cuts have had a negative impact on the banking industry, as they have resulted in a decrease in staff and a decrease in profits.

What are the potential benefits of the job cuts for the banking industry?
The potential benefits of the job cuts for the banking industry include cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved customer service.

AI Comments

👍 Banks are being proactive and taking preventative measures to avoid a financial crisis.

👎 Job cuts due to banks' preventative measures will have a negative impact on the economy.

AI Discussion

Me: Banks prepare for deepest job cuts since the financial crisis. It looks like more layoffs are on the horizon as banks prepare for a potential economic downturn.

Friend: That's not good news. What would be the implications of this?

Me: Well, the article states that banks are expecting the deepest job cuts since the financial crisis. This could lead to an increase in unemployment and put people in a difficult financial situation. It could also have a ripple effect on the economy as a whole, leading to slower growth, higher prices, and less consumer spending.

Action items

Technical terms

Financial Crisis
A financial crisis is a situation in which the value of financial institutions or assets drops rapidly.
Job Cuts
Job cuts refer to the reduction of a company's workforce, usually through layoffs or firings.
Interest Rate
An interest rate is the amount of interest charged on a loan or other financial instrument.
An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of investment fund that is traded on a stock exchange.
Regulatory Approval
Regulatory approval is the process of obtaining permission from a government or regulatory body to conduct a certain activity.
Crypto Lender
A crypto lender is a financial institution that provides loans in the form of cryptocurrency.
Trial Subscription
A trial subscription is a period of time during which a customer can access a product or service for free or at a discounted rate.

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