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El Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales almacena, difunde y preserva materiales en formato digital fruto de la producción científica o académica. Ofrece servicios como acerca de normatividad, novedades, políticas del repositorio, requisitos, entrega de trabajo de grado, video de autoarchivo y contacto. El repositorio alberga colecciones y comunidades, así como estadísticas, autores, títulos, materias y fechas. También ofrece una miniatura, gestores bibliográficos, código QR y una licencia de derechos reservados.


What types of materials are available in the UDCA Repository?
Materials available in the UDCA Repository include digital formats from the university's scientific and academic production.

What are the services provided by the UDCA Repository?
Services provided by the UDCA Repository include information about norms, policies, requirements, submission of work, video auto-archiving, and contact information.

How can users access the UDCA Repository?
Users can access the UDCA Repository by creating an account or logging in to an existing account.

What criteria can be used to search for materials in the UDCA Repository?
Criteria that can be used to search for materials in the UDCA Repository include year, subject, author, and type of document.

What are the copyright regulations for materials in the UDCA Repository?
The copyright regulations for materials in the UDCA Repository are described as "Rights Reserved - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales".

AI Comments

👍 This repository is a great way for the university to store and disseminate important information.

👎 It can be difficult to find the specific information you are looking for in the repository.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Repositorio Institucional UDCA, which is a digital repository where the University of Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A stores academic and scientific materials.

Friend: Interesting! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it means that the university is now able to store, distribute, and preserve important information more efficiently. It also gives students and faculty easier access to materials for research and study. Finally, it allows for a more organized way of managing and curating digital materials.

Action items

Technical terms

Repositorio Institucional
A repository of digital materials produced by the university, used to store, disseminate, and preserve important information.
Mi Cuenta
A user account used to access the repository.
Consulte por
A search feature used to find documents by year, subject, author, or type.
Services offered by the repository, such as information about policies, requirements, and submission of work.
Other features of the repository, such as auto-archiving, library discovery, and open journal systems.
Statistics about the usage of the repository.
Collections of documents in the repository.
Author of a document.
Title of a document.
Date of publication of a document.
Subjects related to a document.
Ver item
View a document in the repository.
Citation of a document.
Thumbnail image of a document.
Gestores Bibliograficos
Bibliographic managers used to organize documents.
Codigo QR
Quick response code used to access a document.
Envios recientes
Recent submissions to the repository.

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