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Henry Miller on Turning 80, Fighting Evil, And Why Life is the Best Teacher


In this article, Henry Miller reflects on his 80th birthday and offers insight into living a fulfilling life. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying the small things and being mindful of the present moment. He also shares his perspective on the unchanging nature of people and the importance of learning from life rather than from schools. He reflects on the contrast between stupidity and evil and how it is easier to fight evil than to fight against stupidity. Ultimately, he stresses the importance of humility, joy, and embracing the world with a sense of wonder.


What are Henry Miller's thoughts on aging and living a fulfilling life?
Henry Miller believes that if you are healthy and still enjoy the simple things in life at 80, you should be thankful and content. He also advises young people to not let their bosses own them and to forgive their parents for bringing them into the world.

What does Miller believe is the most important thing in life?
Miller believes that the little things in life are the most important, not fame, success, or wealth.

What does Miller advise young people to do to stay positive and content?
Miller advises young people to fall in love again and again, forgive and forget, and keep from growing sour, surly, bitter, and cynical.

What does Miller believe is the ultimate teacher?
Miller believes that life is the ultimate teacher, not the Board of Education.

What is Miller's opinion on fighting evil and stupidity?
Miller believes that one can fight evil, but against stupidity one is helpless.

AI Comments

👍 On Turning Eighty is a captivating read full of life lessons and advice from Henry Miller. His perspective on aging gracefully and his insights into the nature of people are truly inspiring.

👎 On Turning Eighty is an interesting read, but Miller's perspective on aging can be seen as outdated and not reflective of the modern world. His views on success and the nature of people can also be seen as narrow-minded.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Henry Miller reflecting on his life on his 80th birthday. He talks about the importance of appreciating the little things, how people's basic character doesn't change, and how life is the ultimate teacher. He also talks about being content with the present, making conscious choices, and the difference between stupidity and evil.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting! It sounds like he has a lot of wisdom to share. What implications do you think this article has?

Me: Well, I think it's a great reminder that life is full of lessons, and that we should focus on the little things and appreciate what we have. It's also a reminder that success isn't about fame or wealth, but about being content with the present. And finally, it's a reminder to be conscious of our choices and to be aware of the difference between stupidity and evil.

Action items

Technical terms

A small book or pamphlet containing poems, stories, or other writing.
To look at or think about (something) in a different way.
Savings and Keeping Power
The ability to save and preserve something.
Premature Old Age
Aging before one's time.
Relating to the philosophy of Epicurus, which emphasizes pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
Conscious Choice
A decision made with full awareness of the consequences.
A group of gods or goddesses in a particular religion or mythology.
Germs and Microbes
Microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and viruses.
The circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

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