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Jugement, Taupe ou Herisson


This article discusses the traditional Chinese text of the Yijing, and criticizes the application of the term "judgement" to the first paragraph associated with each of the 64 hexagrams. It also provides a note on the ideogram "tuan" in relation to the term judgement.


What is the traditional text associated with the 64 hexagrams of the Yijing?
The traditional text associated with the 64 hexagrams of the Yijing is the I Ching.

What does Georges SABY think of the use of the term 'judgement' in the first paragraph?
Georges SABY thinks that the use of the term 'judgement' in the first paragraph is misplaced and disruptive.

What is the purpose of the note on the 'judgement' ideogram TUAN?
The purpose of the note on the 'judgement' ideogram TUAN is to provide additional information about the term.

What does Georges SABY believe to be a more appropriate term for studying the Yijing?
Georges SABY believes that the term 'reflection' is a more appropriate term for studying the Yijing.

What is the Chinese term for 'judgement'?
The Chinese term for 'judgement' is TUAN.

AI Comments

👍 This article does an excellent job of exploring the traditional text of the 64 hexagrams of the Yijing and provides an interesting perspective on the application of the Judgment paragraph.

👎 The article is overly long and could have been better organized to make the information more accessible and easier to understand.

AI Discussion

Me: It's discussing the implications of applying judgement to the first paragraph of the traditional text of each of the 64 hexagrams in the Yijing. It suggests that it's a misplaced and disruptive habit.

Friend: Interesting. What implications does the article draw?

Me: Well, it suggests that judgement has no place in the Yijing and that it can be disruptive to the practice of Yijing. It also suggests that judgement can distort the traditional interpretation of the hexagrams, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. Finally, it implies that applying judgement to the Yijing can lead to a less meaningful experience of the ancient wisdom.

Action items

Technical terms

Jugement is a French term referring to a judgment or opinion. In this article, it is used to refer to the traditional text associated with each of the 64 hexagrams of the Yijing.
Taupe ou Herisson
Taupe ou Herisson is a French phrase meaning “mole or hedgehog”. In this article, it is used to refer to the idea that the traditional text associated with each hexagram of the Yijing is outdated and should be replaced with a more modern interpretation.
Yijing is a Chinese term referring to the ancient Chinese text known as the Book of Changes. It is composed of 64 hexagrams, each of which has a traditional text associated with it.

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