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Meet Unstable Diffusion, the group trying to monetize AI porn generators


The article discusses the ethical implications of AI-generated porn, specifically the risks associated with creating unrealistic expectations about women's bodies and sexual behavior. It also raises the possibility that artists whose work is used to train AI models for generating porn may be harmed financially if their work is used without their consent. Finally, the article notes that moderation of AI-generated porn is a challenge, and that recent history is filled with examples of companies failing to adequately moderate adult content.


What is Unstable Diffusion?
Unstable Diffusion is a group that is trying to monetize AI porn generators.

What are the ethical concerns around AI-generated porn?
The ethical concerns around AI-generated porn include the possibility of placing unreasonable expectations on women’s bodies and sexual behavior, violating women’s privacy and copyrights, and putting women in the porn industry out of a job.

How does Unstable Diffusion generate its images?
Unstable Diffusion generates its images by using a Discord bot to generate art that fits the theme, which they can then submit to a “starboard” if they’re especially pleased with the results.

What are the implications of AI-generated porn for human artists?
The implications of AI-generated porn for human artists are that they may be crowded out of the market by AI-generated images, and that their work may be used to train AI systems without their knowledge or consent.

How does Unstable Diffusion moderate its content?
Unstable Diffusion moderates its content by prohibiting content like child pornography, deepfakes and excessive gore. Users of the Discord server must abide by the terms of service and submit to moderation of the images that they generate.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that highlights the potential risks and rewards of using AI to generate porn. It is important to have a discussion about the ethical implications of this technology, and this article does a good job of raising some of the key issues.

👎 This article is a waste of time. It is nothing more than a sensationalized piece about a topic that is not worthy of serious discussion.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a group of people who are trying to make money off of AI-generated porn.

Friend: Wow. I had no idea that was even possible.

Me: Yeah, I know. It's pretty crazy. But apparently there's already a community of people doing it.

Friend: That's really messed up. I can't believe people would actually pay for that.

Me: I know. It's kind of like the wild west right now. There are no real rules or regulations around it.

Friend: That's really scary. I can't imagine what kind of implications this could have.

Action items

Technical terms

Stable Diffusion
a text-to-image AI developed by startup Stability AI
Unstable Diffusion
a group trying to monetize AI porn generators
not safe for work
AI-generated images that are difficult to distinguish from real images

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