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Newsela | The science of ghosts


This article explores the science behind ghost stories and how the phenomena of ghosts can be explained by science. It discusses the psychological, evolutionary, and cultural explanations for why people believe in hauntings, as well as evidence from the fields of anthropology and parapsychology that could provide potential explanations for ghostly activity. Ultimately, the article concludes that while ghosts are not scientifically provable, they remain an intriguing mystery.


What is the scientific explanation for ghosts?
The scientific explanation for ghosts is that they are likely caused by psychological phenomena such as hallucinations, misperceptions, and false memories.

What do scientists believe is the cause of ghost sightings?
Scientists believe that ghost sightings are likely caused by psychological phenomena such as hallucinations, misperceptions, and false memories.

Are there other explanations for ghostly phenomena?
Yes, there are other explanations for ghostly phenomena such as supernatural forces, spirits, and energy fields.

What techniques are used to investigate paranormal activity?
Techniques used to investigate paranormal activity include interviews, surveys, and experiments.

What do skeptics believe is the cause of ghostly phenomena?
Skeptics believe that ghostly phenomena are likely caused by psychological phenomena such as hallucinations, misperceptions, and false memories.

AI Comments

👍 This article from Newsela is a great way to explore the science of ghosts.

👎 This article from Newsela does not provide enough evidence to make a clear conclusion about the existence of ghosts.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the science of ghosts. It talks about how some people believe in ghosts and the scientific explanations that have been proposed to explain the phenomenon.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, one implication of this article is that it suggests that there could be some validity to the belief in ghosts. Even if it's not explicitly stated, it's implied that science has not been able to completely disprove the existence of ghosts. This could open up the possibility for further research into the phenomenon. Additionally, it could also provide comfort to those who believe in the supernatural.

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To discard is to throw away or get rid of something.
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