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The Impact Trap


The article discusses the "impact trap", which is when someone is stuck in a position where they cannot improve their impact without taking a risk. The article argues that taking the long view of one's career is the best way to avoid this trap, as it allows for more opportunities to take risks and grow.


What is the impact trap?
The impact trap is a situation where someone is stuck in a job with no room for growth, but is afraid to leave because they might not find anything better.

What happens to people who get stuck in the impact trap?
People who get stuck in the impact trap become unhappy and eventually quit. They might start over somewhere else, but they will likely just end up in the same situation.

How can we avoid the impact trap?
To avoid the impact trap, we need to take the long view of our careers. We can't just focus on the immediate impact, but must think about impact over the course of years or even decades.

What is the key to success over the long term?
The key to success over the long term is our ability to learn. It's not what we have learned in the past that makes us valuable, but our ability to keep learning.

What do we need to have confidence in ourselves?
We need to have confidence in ourselves that we can start over and surpass our previous high water mark.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that really makes you think about your career and where you want to go with it.

👎 This article is a bunch of nonsense and it's not helpful at all.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the impact trap and how it can prevent people from reaching their full potential.

Friend: Interesting. I can see how that could be a problem for people in their careers.

Me: Yeah, I think it's a really good point that we shouldn't be afraid to take risks and try new things if we want to achieve more in our careers.

Friend: Absolutely. I think too often people get comfortable in their current situation and don't want to rock the boat, even if it means they could have more impact elsewhere.

Me: Exactly. And like the article said, sometimes the best way to move forward is to take a completely new direction.

Friend: Yeah, I can see how that makes sense. It's definitely food for thought.

Action items

Technical terms

Greedy algorithm
an algorithm that makes the most locally optimal choice at each step in order to try to find the globally optimal solution.
Local optima
a point in the search space of an optimization problem where no neighboring points have a better (lower for minimization) objective function value.
Monotonic growth
growth that is always increasing or always decreasing.
someone who is responsible for a team of people and/or a budget.

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