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Resultaatgerichte online marketing strategie voor een ambitieuze KMO


RS Badkamers kwam aankloppen bij Digital Leader om hun snelle groei te ondersteunen met online marketing. Digital Leader ging aan de slag met een strategisch marketingplan, waarin onder andere SEO, SEA, social media en contentanalyse werden meegenomen. Na enige tijd werd er ook begonnen aan een volledig nieuwe website. Met deze strategie hebben RS Badkamers hun doelen behaald, waaronder het openen van een derde filiaal en het genomineerd zijn voor de 'Trends Gazellen 2022'. Digital Leader blijft samenwerken met RS Badkamers om hun online marketing verder te optimaliseren.


What made RS Badkamers turn to Digital Leader?
RS Badkamers turned to Digital Leader to support the rapid growth of their business with a consistent influx of leads through online marketing.

How did Digital Leader go about creating a digital marketing plan for RS Badkamers?
Digital Leader began with a strategic business workshop to gain insight into the DNA, brand strategy, and communication style of RS Badkamers. They then conducted extensive keyword analyses for SEO and SEA, as well as analyzed the content and technical SEO of the current website. They also analyzed the social media channels of RS Badkamers' competitors. With all this information, they created buyer personas and a specific social media funnel.

What were the results of Digital Leader's digital strategy?
The results of Digital Leader's digital strategy included improved SEO and SEA campaigns, as well as increased leads for RS Badkamers. RS Badkamers also opened a third branch and were nominated for "Trends Gazellen 2022".

What was the focus of Digital Leader's social media strategy?
The focus of Digital Leader's social media strategy was to reach the right audience with the right message. They created content to showcase the quality of RS Badkamers' services, as well as video testimonials from customers.

What kind of success has RS Badkamers achieved with Digital Leader's help?
With Digital Leader's help, RS Badkamers opened a third branch and were nominated for "Trends Gazellen 2022". They also increased their leads and are now working on a new website.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great example of how strategic online marketing can help a KMO achieve their growth goals. The use of data and analysis to develop effective buyer persona's and social media funnels is impressive and provides a great roadmap for other KMOs looking to achieve similar success.

👎 The article does not provide enough concrete examples of the success that RS Badkamers has achieved due to the digital marketing strategy. It would be more helpful to see tangible evidence of the success, such as an increase in leads or sales.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how Digital Leader worked with RS Badkamers to help them grow their business with a consistent stream of leads through online marketing. They did an in-depth analysis of their SEO, SEA, content, and social media strategy. They also created buyer personas and ran social media funnels to reach the right audiences.

Friend: Wow, that's impressive! It sounds like they have a well thought out strategy and they're really investing in their online presence.

Me: Yeah, it's great to see a business taking their online presence seriously and investing in the right strategies. It's also encouraging to see that they are seeing results and being recognized for their growth. It just goes to show that with the right techniques, online marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses.

Action items

Technical terms

Resultaatgericht is een benadering waarbij de focus ligt op het behalen van resultaten.
Performance marketing
Performance marketing is een vorm van marketing waarbij de focus ligt op het behalen van resultaten, zoals het genereren van leads.
Transparantie is het vermogen om informatie openbaar te maken, zodat anderen de informatie kunnen begrijpen en gebruiken.
SEO staat voor Search Engine Optimization en is een techniek om websites te optimaliseren voor zoekmachines, zodat deze hoger in de zoekresultaten komen te staan.
SEA staat voor Search Engine Advertising en is een vorm van online adverteren waarbij bedrijven advertenties plaatsen in zoekmachines, zoals Google.
Social media
Social media is een verzamelnaam voor websites en applicaties waarmee gebruikers content kunnen delen, zoals berichten, foto's en video's.
Buyer persona
Een buyer persona is een fictief personage dat gebruikt wordt om de doelgroep van een bedrijf te begrijpen.
USP staat voor Unique Selling Point en is een kenmerk van een product of dienst dat het uniek maakt ten opzichte van andere producten of diensten.

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