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The Unofficial Fusion 13 for Apple Silicon Companion


The article discusses the Unofficial Fusion 13 for Apple Silicon Companion, a document that contains tips and techniques for running the Tech Preview releases on Apple Silicon Macs. The Companion can save users from searching the forum for frequently encountered issues. The section on Windows 11 on ARM is of particular interest to Windows users, as it contains information, procedures, and screen shots that should help with the installation of Windows 11 on Fusion 13. For Linux users, there is plenty of content to help as well, especially if they are using Ubuntu or Fedora. The document will be updated as the community experience with Fusion 13 grows and is discussed in the forums.


What is the name of the article?
The name of the article is "The Unofficial Fusion 13 for Apple Silicon Companion."

What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of the article is to provide tips and techniques for running VMware Fusion 13 on Apple Silicon Macs.

What are some of the topics covered in the article?
Some of the topics covered in the article include installing Windows 11 on Fusion 13, running Linux on Fusion 13, and using ISO installation media.

Who is the target audience for the article?
The target audience for the article is users of VMware Fusion 13.

What are the benefits of reading the article?
The benefits of reading the article include learning about frequently encountered issues and discovering tips and techniques that can make using Fusion 13 easier.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great resource for anyone using VMware Fusion 13. It's packed with tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of your experience.

👎 This document is full of errors and outdated information.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about VMware Fusion 13 for Apple Silicon.

Friend: What's that?

Me: Fusion is a virtualization software that allows you to run Windows on a Mac.

Friend: That's cool! I didn't know you could do that.

Me: Yeah, it's pretty handy. This article goes over some tips and tricks for using Fusion 13.

Friend: That sounds helpful. I might check it out. Thanks for showing it to me!

Action items

Technical terms

Apple Silicon
Apple's custom processor design used in its latest generation of Mac computers.
VMware Fusion
A virtualization software for running Windows on Mac computers.
Windows 11
The latest version of the Windows operating system.
Windows on ARM
A version of Windows designed to run on ARM-based processors.
A file format used for storing disk images.

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