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Deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform - Part 1


In this tutorial, the author walks us through the process of deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform. We first create a Flask app and Dockerize it. Then, we set up a service account and create our cloud infrastructure using Terraform. Finally, we push our Docker image to Google's Artifact Registry and finish setting up our API.


What are the benefits of using Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)?
The benefits of using Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) are simple reproducibility and the ability to keep multiple staging environments consistent with each other.

What is Terraform?
Terraform is a tool used to provision cloud infrastructure.

What is the difference between the google and google-beta provider in Terraform?
The google-beta provider in Terraform has access to the Artifact Registry, which the google provider does not.

How can you create and push a Docker image to the Artifact Registry on Google Cloud?
To create and push a Docker image to the Artifact Registry on Google Cloud, you first need to create a service account with the appropriate permissions. Then, you can use the Google Cloud CLI to configure gcloud as the credential helper for all Google-supported Docker registries. Finally, you can tag your Docker image and push it to the Artifact Registry.

What is the URL of the Cloud Run API?
The URL of the Cloud Run API is https://localhost:5000.

AI Comments

👍 Great tutorial! I really appreciate the step-by-step instructions.

👎 This tutorial is too long and confusing.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about deploying a Flask API to Google Cloud Run using Terraform.

Friend: That sounds like a really good use of Infrastructure-as-Code.

Me: Yeah, I thought so too. It's a really good way to manage your infrastructure and keep everything consistent.

Friend: Yeah, I can imagine that would be really helpful if you had multiple staging environments that you needed to keep track of.

Me: Exactly. I think it would also be helpful to have a CI/CD pipeline to automate the process even further.

Action items

Technical terms

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)
a method of provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure using code instead of manual configuration.
a popular IaC tool.
a Python web framework.
WSGI server
a server that can run a Flask application.
a WSGI server.
a containerization platform.
a file used to build a Docker image.
Docker image
a file used to run a Docker container.
Docker container
a running instance of a Docker image.
Cloud Run
a Google Cloud Platform service for running containers.
Service account
a Google Cloud Platform account used for programmatic access to Google Cloud Platform resources.
Artifact Registry
a Google Cloud Platform service for storing and retrieving Docker images.

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