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Politica educativa en Colombia y autonomia en la practica docente


This paper examines educational policy in Colombia, specifically the quality curricular references, national standardized tests, and their influence on the teaching practice of basic and secondary education. Through a review of documents that have an impact on institutional dynamics and pedagogical practice, the characteristics, purpose, contributions, and limitations of teaching are analyzed. This review and analysis highlights the progressive conditioning and direction of the teacher's practice with universal curricular references arising from the General Education Law of 1994, as well as the progressive implementation of national standardized tests at various levels of education.


What are the impacts of the Colombian educational policy on the teaching practice?
The impacts of the Colombian educational policy on the teaching practice include the progressive conditioning and direction of the teaching practice with universal curricular references arising from the General Education Law of 1994, as well as the progressive implementation of national standardized tests in various educational levels.

How has the teaching practice been influenced by the national standardized tests?
The teaching practice has been influenced by the national standardized tests through the implementation of parameters and criteria to organize the system of evaluation of the quality of education, the promotion of a culture of evaluation, and the transformation of the ICFES.

What are the characteristics, purpose, contributions, and limitations of the teaching practice?
The characteristics, purpose, contributions, and limitations of the teaching practice include the analysis of documents that have an impact on the institutional dynamics and pedagogical practice, the examination of the features, purpose, contributions, and limitations of the teaching practice, and the evidence of the progressive conditioning and direction of the teaching practice.

What changes have been made to the curriculum since the General Education Law of 1994?
Changes to the curriculum since the General Education Law of 1994 include the implementation of standards and criteria for organizing the system of evaluation of the quality of education, the promotion of a culture of evaluation, and the transformation of the ICFES.

What are some of the documents that have had an impact on the institutional dynamics and pedagogical practice?
Some of the documents that have had an impact on the institutional dynamics and pedagogical practice include the Decree 1278 of 2002, the Ley 115 of 1994, the Ley 1324 of 2009, the Ley 60 of 1993, the Ley 715 of 2001, the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN) and Universidad de Antioquia's Propuesta de estructura y fundamentacion de los DBA, the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN)'s Serie Lineamientos Curriculares Ciencias Naturales y Educacion Ambiental, the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN)'s Documento NĀ° 3, the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN)'s Derechos Basicos de Aprendizaje en Ciencias Naturales, the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN)'s El ABC de la Estrategia de Integracion de Componentes Curriculares - EICC, and the Ministerio de Educacion Nacional (MEN)'s Mallas de Aprendizaje.

AI Comments

šŸ‘ This article provides a comprehensive review of educational policy in Colombia, including the curriculum references of quality, national standardized tests, and their influence on basic and secondary education teaching practices.

šŸ‘Ž This article does not address the implications of educational policy on students, focusing instead on the impact on teachers.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about educational policy in Colombia and teacher autonomy in practice. It looks at the documents that have an impact on institutional dynamics and pedagogical practice, and how they influence the teacher's role in basic and secondary education.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article highlights the increasing control of the teacher's practice by universal curricular references and the implementation of national standardized tests. It also shows how the teacher's role is changing from a passive executor of external projects to a more proactive one, with the focus on the development of personal and relational autonomy. This has implications for how teachers are trained and supported, as well as how their roles are understood in the context of educational reforms.

Action items

Technical terms

Politica educativa
Refers to educational policy, which is the set of laws, regulations, and guidelines that govern the operation of the education system in a particular country.
Practica docente
Refers to teaching practice, which is the application of educational theories and methods in the classroom.
Autonomia docente
Refers to teacher autonomy, which is the ability of teachers to make decisions about their teaching practices without interference from outside sources.
Referentes curriculares
Refers to curriculum references, which are the standards and guidelines that are used to develop and evaluate educational programs.
Pruebas estandarizadas nacionales
Refers to national standardized tests, which are tests that are administered to students in order to measure their academic performance.

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