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Not all heroes wear capes


This article recounts the author's experience of taking a free deep learning course taught by Jeremy Howard. The course flipped traditional teaching methods on its head, starting with students using code to classify images before introducing any equations or jargon, and Jeremy's lack of formal machine learning training was revolutionary. He inspired his students to think critically and to take small improvements and build on them to make something great. His course also fostered a sense of community, with students sharing their successes and struggles with one another. The author was inspired by Jeremy's teaching style, and was able to apply what they learned to the real world.


What was the author's first reaction when they saw the deep learning course homepage?
The author's first reaction when they saw the deep learning course homepage was "Impossible".

What is unique about the fast.ai approach to learning?
The fast.ai approach to learning is unique because it turns traditional learning upside down by starting with training a neural network to classify images before introducing equations or jargon.

What is the "curiosity coefficient" and why is it important to successful learning?
The "curiosity coefficient" is the intensity that fastai students cultivate when it comes to solving problems. It is important to successful learning because it sparks curiosity and inspires students to make what they have learnt even better.

How does the fastai course foster a culture of sharing and learning?
The fastai course fosters a culture of sharing and learning by encouraging students to share their knowledge freely and openly with others in the course forums.

What has the author learned from the fastai course and how has it changed the way they approach learning?
The author has learned to ask "why" and to appreciate the compounding effects of small improvements from the fastai course. It has changed the way they approach learning by inspiring them to make what they have learnt even better.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great tribute to Jeremy Howard, who has changed the way learning is approached and has given his students the power to make the world a better place.

👎 This article may be too focused on Jeremy Howard and not enough on the actual learning techniques used in the fast.ai course.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a course that teaches deep learning and how the approach to learning is different from traditional courses. It talks about how Jeremy Howard, the teacher, turns the syllabus upside down, teaching students to train a neural network before introducing equations or jargon. It also talks about the power of curiosity and how Jeremy fosters a community of learning and sharing.

Friend: That sounds really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: The implications are that traditional teaching methods might not be the most effective way of learning. It also implies that fostering a community of learning and encouraging curiosity are important elements of successful learning. Lastly, it suggests that a free course can be just as effective as an expensive one.

Action items

Technical terms

Deep Learning
A type of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms to learn from data in order to make decisions and predictions.
A deep learning framework developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center.
Computer Vision
A field of study that focuses on how computers can be used to understand and interpret visual data.
Neural Network
A type of artificial intelligence that uses interconnected layers of neurons to process data and make decisions.
Matrix Multiplication
A mathematical operation that multiplies two matrices together to produce a third matrix.
The ability of a learner to apply the skills and knowledge they've gained in one context to a problem in another context.

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