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My Commercial Roof is Leaking: What Can I Do?


This article provides a step-by-step guide for people who have a leaking commercial roof. It discusses signs of a leaking roof such as stained ceilings/walls, mold/odors, and water dripping/puddles inside. It also provides advice on how to minimize interior damage, mark the point of entry, look for additional problem areas, call a commercial roofing contractor, contact an insurance agent, and review a warranty. Finally, the article encourages people to take action quickly to prevent further damage.


What are the signs of a leaking commercial roof?
The signs of a leaking commercial roof are stained ceilings/walls, foul odors/mold, and water dripping/puddles inside.

What should be done to minimize interior damage when a commercial roof is leaking?
To minimize interior damage when a commercial roof is leaking, clear the area of people, equipment, and supplies, collect the water in a bucket or similar receptacle, and cover items that can't be relocated with plastic.

How can a commercial roofing contractor help with a leaking roof?
A commercial roofing contractor can help with a leaking roof by assessing the roof and providing a project quote, repairing the immediate area, restoring the top coating, or replacing the entire system.

Is an insurance policy available to cover interior damage from roof leaks?
Yes, an insurance policy may be available to cover interior damage from roof leaks and the cost of repairing the roof.

What should be done to review a current roofing system's warranty?
To review a current roofing system's warranty, look back in files and contact the contractor or manufacturer to see if the damage is covered.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides a comprehensive guide to help people understand what to do in the event of a roof leak in their commercial facility.

👎 This article does not provide enough detail about how to fix the roof leak itself.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about what to do if you find a leak in your commercial, industrial, or manufacturing facility. It covers warning signs of a leak, what to do when you find a leak, and what to do after, such as how to minimize interior damage, calling a roofing contractor, and calling your insurance agent.

Friend: That's useful information. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article stresses the importance of having a plan in place if you find a leak in your facility, as it can cause serious damage if not treated quickly. It also emphasizes the need to call a roofing contractor and insurance agent right away if you find a leak, as well as to review your roof's warranty and look for more problem areas. Lastly, it emphasizes the need to take preventative measures such as proper maintenance and regular inspections to reduce the chance of a leak occurring in the first place.

Action items

Technical terms

Roof Maintenance
The process of regularly inspecting and maintaining a roof to ensure it is in good condition and free of damage.
Roofing Contractors
Professionals who specialize in installing, repairing, and maintaining roofs.
Stained Ceiling/Walls
Discolored areas of a ceiling or wall caused by extended exposure to water.
Warehouse Roof Leak
A leak in the roof of a warehouse that can cause damage to the building structure and equipment inside.
Water Dripping/Puddles Inside
Visible water entering a building, either in the form of a puddle on the floor or dripping from the ceiling.
Minimize Interior Damage
Taking steps to reduce damage to the interior of a building, such as relocating people, equipment, and supplies, and covering items with plastic.
Mark the Point of Entry
Marking the visible leaks with tape on the ceiling or floor to indicate where the water was entering the building.
Look for More Problem Areas
Searching the facility for other potential leaks while the weather is still wet.
Call a Commercial Roofing Contractor
Contacting a professional roofing contractor to assess the roof and provide a project quote.
Call Your Insurance Agent
Notifying your insurance agent of any interior or roof damage so that you can be adequately compensated.
Review Your Warranty
Looking back in your files to review the current roofing system’s warranty.

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