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The most important skill nobody taught you..


This article is about the importance of using the right words when speaking and writing, in order to communicate better and more accurately. It explains how using simple words can lead to a loss of both depth and impact. It also discusses how language can influence our cognition, and how the way a question is asked can result in different answers. Lastly, the article emphasizes that language is a tool that can help transmit our culture, history, and heritage.


What is the worst piece of advice given concerning speaking, writing, and thinking?
The worst piece of advice given concerning speaking, writing, and thinking is to use simple words.

How does the use of better words impact communication?
The use of better words impacts communication by providing more depth and impact.

What is the importance of being able to differentiate between words?
The importance of being able to differentiate between words is to be able to communicate with precision and economy.

How does naming emotions help with self-awareness?
Naming emotions helps with self-awareness by giving us the chance to take a step back and make choices about what to do with them.

What research suggests that language may determine cognition?
Research suggests that language may determine cognition by influencing how we retrieve memories and how we communicate our feelings.

AI Comments

šŸ‘ This article is a brilliant illustration of the importance of language and how it shapes our thoughts and understanding of the world.

šŸ‘Ž This article is too long and doesn't get to the point quickly enough.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how language impacts our communication and how our understanding of the world and ourselves is shaped by the words we choose to use. It talks about how using more precise words can help us to better articulate our thoughts and improve our communication skills.

Friend: Interesting. It seems like using more precise words can really help us to express ourselves more clearly, and can help us to understand and articulate our emotions better.

Me: Yeah, it's all about how language can shape our understanding of the world and how our communication skills can be improved through better word choice. It's a really important skill that we don't often talk about, but can have a huge impact on our communication and understanding of complex ideas.

Action items

Technical terms

Ad nauseam
To an excessive or tedious degree.
A preference or inclination for something.
Using or expressed in more words than are needed.
A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.
The earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.
Lā€™esprit de lā€™escalier
A French phrase meaning ā€œthe wit of the staircaseā€, referring to a witty remark that comes to mind too late, after the opportunity to make it has passed.
Folie a deux
A condition in which two closely associated people who are mentally ill share the same delusional beliefs.
The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions and foundations, and its extent and validity.
Conforming to the traditional or conventional standards of behavior or attitudes regarding sexuality and gender roles.

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