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The Surprising Thing A.I. Engineers Will Tell You if You Let Them


In this article, Ezra Klein discusses the need for regulation of A.I. systems, and the various proposals for how to do this, including the European Commission's Artificial Intelligence Act, the White House's Blueprint for an A.I. Bill of Rights, and China's new regulations. He argues that current proposals are either too tailored or too broad, and suggests that interpretability, security, evaluations, audits, and liability should all be priorities when it comes to regulating A.I. systems.


What are the key points of the proposals for A.I. regulation put forward by the White House, the European Commission and China?
The White House proposed a "Blueprint for an A.I. Bill of Rights" which focuses on data transparency and consultation from diverse communities. The European Commission proposed an Artificial Intelligence Act which regulates A.I. systems according to how they are used, particularly for high-risk uses. China proposed new rules which are much more restrictive than those proposed by the US and Europe.

What are the potential risks of using A.I. systems?
Potential risks of using A.I. systems include alignment risk, where the desired outcome and the actual outcome of the system may diverge, and security risks, where A.I. systems may be vulnerable to theft or manipulation.

What criteria is needed to evaluate and audit A.I. systems?
Criteria needed to evaluate and audit A.I. systems include interpretability, security, testing and auditing, and liability.

What measures should be taken to ensure the safety and security of A.I. systems?
Measures that should be taken to ensure the safety and security of A.I. systems include investing in cybersecurity, developing testing regimes, and making companies bear some liability for the harms caused by their models.

What are the implications of giving A.I. systems human-like personalities?
The implications of giving A.I. systems human-like personalities include the potential for manipulation of consumer behavior, as well as the need for tight limits on the kinds of personalities that can be built for A.I. systems that interact with children.

AI Comments

👍 This article does a great job of exploring the potential implications of A.I. regulation and offering thoughtful policy proposals.

👎 This article fails to provide concrete solutions to the complex challenges of A.I. regulation and instead offers abstract ideas without actionable steps.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the implications of A.I. engineers wanting to be regulated, especially if it slows them down. It examines the two major proposals for A.I. regulation, the "Blueprint for an A.I. Bill of Rights" from the White House and the Artificial Intelligence Act from the European Commission. It also looks at China's approach to A.I. regulation.

Friend: Wow, that's a lot to unpack. What are the implications of these regulations?

Me: Well, the article suggests that the European Commission's approach is too tailored and the White House's blueprint may be too broad. It also raises the issue of alignment risk, which is the danger that what we want the systems to do, and what they will actually do, could diverge. Additionally, it notes that China's approach is much more restrictive than anything the United States or Europe is imagining, which could slow down the development of general A.I. Finally, it suggests that there should be opt-outs from A.I. systems, but that the devil is in the details of what is considered "appropriate".

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4, a natural language processing model developed by OpenAI
Alignment Risk
The danger that what we want the systems to do and what they will actually do could diverge, and perhaps do so violently
The ability to understand the inner workings of a machine learning model
Socialist Core Values
The set of values and beliefs held by the Chinese Communist Party
The ability to choose not to use a system or technology
Predeployment Testing
Testing done before a system is deployed to ensure it is safe and effective
Evaluations of a system to ensure it is safe and effective

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