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Budweiser to Throw Massive World Cup Celebration With Stockpile of Beer


Budweiser is set to throw a celebration for whichever country wins the FIFA World Cup with the company's massive stockpile of beer. Qatar restricted it from selling inside stadiums at the soccer championship, but Qatar reversed its policy surrounding the sale of alcohol at the games last week. Budweiser is left with a large stockpile of beer unable to be sold during the tournament. The beer company first announced the celebration in a tweet on Saturday, attaching a photograph showing a large amount of beer being kept in a warehouse. The Budweiser spokesperson said more information about this initiative would be announced closer to the tournament finals.


What is Budweiser doing with its massive stockpile of beer?
Budweiser is throwing a celebration for whichever country wins the FIFA World Cup with the company's massive stockpile of beer.

Why was Budweiser's initial plan to sell beer at the FIFA World Cup met with scorn?
Budweiser's initial plan to sell beer at the FIFA World Cup was met with scorn because Qatar said last week that alcohol sales for most fans would be banned at stadiums.

How will the winning country be determined for Budweiser's celebration?
The winning country for Budweiser's celebration will be determined by the FIFA World Cup.

How much is Budweiser's sponsorship deal with FIFA worth?
Budweiser's sponsorship deal with FIFA is worth $76 million.

What was the response of Ecuadorian fans when they learned they would not be able to purchase beer at the FIFA World Cup?
Ecuadorian fans chanted "Queremos cerveza, queremos cerveza," meaning, "We want beer, we want beer" when they learned they would not be able to purchase beer at the FIFA World Cup.

AI Comments

👍 Budweiser is the best beer.

👎 Qatar is a shithole.

AI Discussion

Me: Budweiser is going to throw a celebration for whichever country wins the FIFA World Cup with the company's massive stockpile of beer.

Friend: That's interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about it though.

Me: Why?

Friend: Well, I'm not sure if it's appropriate for a company to be doing something like this. I mean, they're basically promoting alcohol consumption.

Me: I see what you mean. But I guess they're just trying to take advantage of the situation.

Friend: Yeah, I guess so.

Action items

Technical terms

FIFA World Cup
an international soccer tournament held every four years
a brand of beer
a country in the Middle East
fan zone
an area near a stadium where fans can watch a game on a large screen
AB InBev
the company that owns Budweiser

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