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How to improve agile meetings


This article provides advice and best practices on how to improve agile meetings. It suggests that managers consider meeting practices for hybrid experiences, use tools to cut down on meeting time, set agendas for meetings, and use tools such as Jira Software, low-code and no-code tools, design tools, devops CI/CD pipeline tools, continuous testing tools, IT workflow tools, and AIops platforms to improve collaboration and reduce the need for lengthy or frequent meetings. It also recommends providing developers with adequate internet speed, secure connections, superior compute resources, and sufficient video and audio equipment. Finally, it suggests that teams use retrospectives to discuss how to improve their collaboration, reduce meeting time, and improve their use of workflow tools.


What are some best practices for managing hybrid agile and software development meetings?
Ensure that the meeting leader defines the agenda when scheduling meetings, invite only primary collaborators and decision-makers, turn on video whenever possible, have meeting facilitators ask everyone to contribute their opinions and ideas, record meetings, create transcripts, and centralize access so others can review, capture meeting decisions and follow-ups.

How can teams reduce the complexity of developing applications, dashboards, and data integrations?
Use low-code and no-code tools to cut the time and collaboration required to prototype, develop, test, and deploy capabilities.

What tools can be used to help improve collaboration and reduce the need for lengthy or frequent meetings?
Design tools such as Miro, Balsamiq, or others, DevOps CI/CD pipeline tools, continuous testing tools, integrating agile, DevOps, IT service management, and other IT workflow tools, AIops platforms.

What equipment is necessary to support remote developers and collaboration?
Adequate internet speed, secure connections, superior compute resources, and sufficient video and audio equipment.

How can agile teams use retrospectives to improve their collaboration and reduce meeting time?
Use retrospectives to discuss how to improve their collaboration, reduce meeting time, and improve their use of workflow tools.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides useful tips on how to improve agile meetings with helpful tools and best practices.

👎 This article is too long and could benefit from being more concise and to the point.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to improve agile meetings. It talks about the best practices for supporting remote teams, and suggests tools and strategies for keeping meetings efficient and productive. It also emphasizes the importance of having the right equipment and tools for hybrid meetings.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article emphasizes the importance of using the right tools, having the right equipment, and having clear agendas and objectives for meetings. This will help teams maximize the productivity of their meetings and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, using the right tools can help reduce the complexity of developing applications and reduce the need for lengthy meetings. Finally, it's important to use retrospectives to discuss how to improve collaboration and reduce meeting time.

Action items

Technical terms

Agile Development
A software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement.
Jira Software
A project management and issue tracking software developed by Atlassian.
Azure DevOps
A cloud-based platform for managing the development of software applications.
Hybrid Work Model
A combination of remote and in-person work.
A cloud-based collaboration platform.
Microsoft Teams
A cloud-based collaboration platform developed by Microsoft.
Low-Code/No-Code Tools
Software tools that allow users to create applications without writing code.
DevOps CI/CD Pipeline Tools
Tools used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software applications.
Continuous Testing Tools
Tools used to automate the process of testing software applications.
IT Service Management
A set of processes and tools used to manage IT services.
AIops Platforms
Platforms used to centralize observability and monitoring data.
Design Tools
Software tools used to design user interfaces and experiences.
A cloud-based collaboration platform for visual collaboration.
A wireframing tool used to create user interfaces.

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