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AI system makes models like DALL-E 2 more creative


The article discusses a new AI system called Composable Diffusion that is designed to create more complex images with better understanding. The system uses multiple models to encode different aspects of an image, allowing for more accurate and creative results. The system has been trained on a smaller dataset than other similar systems, but the researchers believe that it has the potential to learn and improve with further development.


What is the name of the AI-based image generator?
The AI-based image generator is called DALL-E.

What is the inspiration behind the image generator?
The inspiration behind the image generator is artist Salvador Dali and the lovable robot WALL-E.

How does the image generator work?
The image generator works by suggesting a series of iterative refinement steps to get to the desired image.

What is the advantage of using multiple models to generate images?
The advantage of using multiple models to generate images is that it can handle multiple different aspects as requested by the input text or labels.

What are the potential applications of the image generator?
The potential applications of the image generator include teaching and continual learning.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article on the new AI system that makes models like DALL-E 2 more creative. I love how the system uses multiple models to create more complex images with better understanding.

👎 This article is confusing and does not explain the new AI system well.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how scientists are developing a new method that uses multiple models to create more complex images with better understanding.

Friend: That's interesting. I wonder what the implications of this are.

Me: Well, one implication is that it might be possible to use this method to teach children. For example, if you want to tell a child to put a cube on top of a sphere, you could use this model to generate the image and show them.

Friend: That's a really good point. I hadn't thought of that.

Me: Yeah, I think this research could have a lot of potential applications.

Action items

Technical terms

an artificial intelligence-based image generator
Diffusion model
a model that tries to encode the entire text into one description to generate an image
Composable Diffusion
a model that uses diffusion models alongside compositional operators to combine text descriptions without further training
Continual learning
a process where a model can start to “learn” without forgetting previously learned knowledge

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