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Pointing your domains to your Amazon Lightsail distributions


This article provides a guide on how to point a domain to an Amazon Lightsail distribution after enabling custom domains. It explains the prerequisites, how to get the default domain of the distribution, and how to add a record to the domain's DNS zone. It also provides additional information on managing distributions in Lightsail.


How do I point my registered domain names to my Amazon Lightsail distribution?
You must add an alias record to the DNS zone of each of the domains specified on the certificate that you're using with your distribution. All of the records should point to the default domain (e.g., 123456abcdef.cloudfront.net ) of your distribution.

What is the procedure to point my domains to my distribution using a Lightsail DNS zone?
Step 1: Complete the prerequisite. Step 2: Get the default domain of your distribution. Step 3: Add a record to your domain's DNS zone.

What are the steps to get the default domain of my distribution?
Sign in to the Lightsail console. On the Lightsail home page, choose the Networking tab. Choose the name of the distribution for which want get the default domain name. In the header section of your distribution's management page, make note of your distribution's default domain name.

What type of record should I add to the DNS of my domains?
If you're adding an A record, then in the Resolves to text box choose the name of your distribution. If you're adding a CNAME record, then in the Maps to text box enter the default domain name of your distribution.

How do I test my distribution after pointing my domains to my distribution?
You should test your distribution. For more information, see the following Testing your Amazon Lightsail distribution.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive guide for pointing your domains to your Amazon Lightsail distributions. It even includes additional information to help manage distributions in Lightsail.

👎 This article has not been updated since November 1, 2022, so some of the information may be inaccurate.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about pointing your domains to your Amazon Lightsail distributions. It explains the procedure to point your domains to your distribution using a Lightsail DNS zone.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, first of all, it makes it easier to manage your domains. With this article, you can more easily add alias records to the DNS zones of the domains specified on the certificate that you're using with your distribution. It also provides step-by-step instructions for how to complete the process. Additionally, it provides information on additional topics related to distributions, such as content delivery networks, testing distributions, configuring WordPress instances, and SSL/TLS certificates.

Action items

Technical terms

Alias Record
A record in a domain name system (DNS) that maps one domain name to another. It is used to point a domain name to another domain name, usually for the purpose of redirecting traffic.
Apex Domain
The root domain of a website. For example, the apex domain of example.com is example.com.
CNAME Record
A type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another, canonical domain name.
A distribution is a collection of files that are used to deliver content to end users. It is typically used to deliver web content such as images, videos, and web pages.

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