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Did Washington Set the Stage For Current Business Turmoil?


In 1987, three bank executives argued with the Federal Reserve board in Washington, D.C. to remove the half-century-old regulations that separated banking and stock/bond sales. These regulations set the stage for the current business turmoil. The article also mentions a few promotional codes for various companies.


What was the mission of the three bank executives when they squared off against the Federal Reserve board in 1987?
The mission of the three bank executives was to persuade the Fed to start tearing down the half-century-old regulatory walls between the business of banking and the business of selling stocks and bonds.

What regulations were the bank executives attempting to persuade the Fed to tear down?
The bank executives were attempting to persuade the Fed to tear down the half-century-old regulatory walls between the business of banking and the business of selling stocks and bonds.

What was the outcome of the Federal Reserve board hearing in February 1987?
The outcome of the Federal Reserve board hearing in February 1987 is unknown.

How has the deregulation of banking and financial services affected businesses in the present day?
The deregulation of banking and financial services has allowed businesses to access more capital and has increased competition in the financial services industry, leading to more options for consumers.

What discounts and promotions are currently being offered by Hotels.com, Walmart, Expedia, Wayfair and Nike?
Hotels.com is offering a 30% OFF Hotels.com Coupon, Walmart is offering a 20% off your order with Walmart promo code, Expedia is offering an Exclusive Expedia coupon - Save 25% or more + Extra 8%, Wayfair is offering a Wayfair Coupon - 20%off, and Nike is offering a Nike promo code: Members save up to 20%.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting and informative look into the regulatory changes that have shaped the business world over the past few decades.

👎 This article fails to adequately address the complex economic implications of the decisions made by the Federal Reserve board in 1987.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how the Federal Reserve board allowed banks to tear down the half-century-old regulatory walls between the business of banking and the business of selling stocks and bonds back in 1987.

Friend: Wow, that seems like a long time ago. What are the implications of this today?

Me: Well, it's important to note that this deregulation had significant implications for the current business turmoil. It allowed banks to take on more risk and invest in increasingly complex financial products, which led to the creation of a highly-leveraged and globalized financial system that was vulnerable to instability. This ultimately contributed to the 2008 financial crisis, and we're still dealing with the aftermath today.

Action items

Technical terms

Federal Reserve Board
The Federal Reserve Board is the governing body of the Federal Reserve System, the central banking system of the United States. It is responsible for setting monetary policy, regulating banks, and providing financial services to the public.
Regulatory Walls
Regulatory walls are legal and regulatory barriers that separate different types of financial activities. They are designed to protect consumers and ensure that financial institutions do not engage in activities that could be harmful to the public.
A subscriber is a person who has signed up for a service or product, such as a magazine or newspaper subscription.

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