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How Big Oil is manipulating the way you think about climate change


This article discusses how Big Oil is manipulating public opinion about climate change by using the red herring fallacy. It describes how this fallacy works and provides various examples of how Big Oil has used it to distract from the real issue of their transgressions. The article argues that it is important to be aware of this fallacy and to call it out when it is used in order to focus on the real issue of how to transition away from the fossil-fuel economy and its damaging effects on the environment.


What is the red herring fallacy and how is it used?
The red herring fallacy is a type of fallacy in which an argument is diverted away from the real issue by raising an issue that is only tangentially related to the first. It is used to distract people from the real issue and lead them astray.

What are some examples of how the fossil fuel industry has manipulated people's thoughts on climate change?
Examples of how the fossil fuel industry has manipulated people's thoughts on climate change include diverting attention away from the real issue by asking questions about how to punish the railroads for the Ohio chemical train derailment, asking how people can sacrifice their gas stoves to cut carbon emissions, and focusing on carbon sequestration instead of stopping the burning of fossil fuels.

What is the best way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions?
The best way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is to stop burning fossil fuels.

What is the goal of carbon footprint calculators created by British Petroleum?
The goal of carbon footprint calculators created by British Petroleum is to focus consumers' attention on their own emissions and distract their attention from the incomparably greater emissions of the industry itself.

What is the central question we should be focusing on regarding the fossil-fuel industry?
The central question we should be focusing on regarding the fossil-fuel industry is how can we free ourselves from the fossil-fuel industry's iron grip, and how can we quickly and completely transition from the burn-it-all-down fossil-fuel economy and replace it with an economy of restraint and renewal?

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an interesting way to look at how Big Oil is manipulating our thinking about climate change. It offers insightful examples and a thought-provoking perspective on the issue.

👎 This article is too long and overly detailed. It also lacks concrete solutions to the problem and fails to provide any useful insight.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how the fossil fuel industry is using a technique called the red herring fallacy to manipulate people into thinking certain things about climate change. They use it to divert attention away from the real issue of the industry's environmental transgressions and instead focus on less important side issues.

Friend: That's really concerning. It means that the public's view of climate change is being shaped by the fossil fuel industry, instead of unbiased facts.

Me: Yes, and it's also concerning that the industry is trying to distract attention away from the real issue of the industry's role in climate change. It's important that we try our best to inform ourselves about climate change and not be swayed by the industry's attempts to misdirect the conversation.

Action items

Technical terms

Red Herring Fallacy
A logical fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue.
Philosophy Professor
A professor who specializes in the study of philosophy.
Fossil-Fuel Industry
An industry that produces and sells fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Petrochemical Industry
An industry that produces and sells petrochemicals, which are chemicals derived from petroleum or natural gas.
Vinyl Chloride
A colorless, flammable gas used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics and other products.
A substance that can cause cancer.
A toxic chemical compound that can cause cancer and other health problems.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
A type of plastic used to make pipes, gutters, and other products.
Carbon Sequestration
The process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The practice of making a product or company appear to be more environmentally friendly than it actually is.

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