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Elsevier Enhanced Reader


This article describes how to use the Elsevier Enhanced Reader to print a document. It instructs users to either select the Print icon or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P to print the document.


What is the Elsevier Enhanced Reader?
The Elsevier Enhanced Reader is a document.

How can the Elsevier Enhanced Reader be printed?
The Elsevier Enhanced Reader can be printed by selecting the Print icon or using the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + P.

What is the icon for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader?
The icon for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader is the Print icon.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader?
Yes, there is a keyboard shortcut for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader.

What is the keyboard shortcut for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader?
The keyboard shortcut for printing the Elsevier Enhanced Reader is Ctrl + P.

AI Comments

👍 The article provides clear instructions on how to print the document.

👎 The article does not provide any other helpful information about the Elsevier Enhanced Reader.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a new software from Elsevier called Enhanced Reader. It allows people to print documents more easily.

Friend: That's pretty cool. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, for one, it could make it easier for people to access written materials. Since it allows documents to be printed with a single keystroke, it could save time and energy, especially for those who have to print a lot of documents. It could also make it easier to share documents with others, as it simplifies the printing process.

Action items

Technical terms

Elsevier Enhanced Reader
A web-based platform that allows users to access and read Elsevier content.
Print Icon
A graphical representation of a printer, typically found in the top right corner of a web page, which allows users to print the page they are viewing.
Keyboard Shortcut
A combination of keys that can be pressed to quickly perform a specific action, such as printing a document. In this case, the keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + P, which will print the document.

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