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Meet the ‘Closer’ Who Finds the Right Words When Climate Talks Hit a Wall


Sue Biniaz is a skilled negotiator who has been instrumental in drafting various international climate agreements. She is currently the deputy U.S. envoy for climate change, and her unique ability to find the right words to break through logjams has earned her the nickname "The Closer." Biniaz is currently working to resolve the issue of "loss and damage" at the COP27 climate summit, which is proving to be one of the most contentious topics of discussion.


Who is Sue Biniaz?
Sue Biniaz is an American lawyer and negotiator who is considered one of the most innovative minds when it comes to climate negotiations.

What is the COP27 Climate Summit?
The COP27 Climate Summit is an annual conference of the parties (COP) where diplomats from around the world come together to discuss the issue of climate change and try to forge a global climate agreement.

What is the significance of the Paris climate change agreement?
The Paris climate change agreement is a landmark agreement that created a new global legal framework under which all countries agreed to cut emissions.

What is the issue of "loss and damage" at the COP27 Climate Summit?
The issue of "loss and damage" at the COP27 Climate Summit is the issue of compensation for countries that suffer from floods, storms, and drought that are made more devastating by climate change.

What is the role of Sue Biniaz at the COP27 Climate Summit?
The role of Sue Biniaz at the COP27 Climate Summit is to find the elusive word or phrase that can allow leaders at loggerheads to agree on a climate deal.

AI Comments

👍 Sue Biniaz is an amazing lawyer who always finds the right words to get the deal done. She is a true hero of the climate negotiations, and her work has helped to make the world a better place. Thank you, Sue, for all that you have done!

👎 Sue Biniaz is nothing more than a glorified babysitter, and her work has done nothing to actually solve the climate crisis. The fact that she is considered one of the top negotiators is a joke, and she is nothing more than a sell-out who is more interested in keeping the status quo alive than actually making progress.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Sue Biniaz, who is considered one of the most innovative American legal minds when it comes to climate negotiations.

Friend: Interesting. What has she done?

Me: She's been the State Department's lead climate attorney for nearly 30 years, and she's known for her ability to find the right words to get people to agree on a climate deal.

Friend: That's definitely a valuable skill. I can imagine that would be really important in something as complex as climate negotiations.

Me: Yeah, I think it is. I mean, the article talks about how she was able to get China and other countries to agree on the Paris Agreement by finding the right words.

Friend: That's incredible.

Me: Yeah. I think it just goes to show how important language can be, especially in something as important as climate negotiations.

Action items

Technical terms

the 27th annual Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
COP27 Climate Summit
a meeting of world leaders to discuss the climate crisis and negotiate a global climate agreement
loss and damage
the issue of compensation for nations that suffer from floods, storms, and drought made more devastating by climate change

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