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Mariano Melgarejo


Mariano Melgarejo fue un militar y político boliviano que fue presidente de la República entre 1864 y 1871. Está considerado como el presidente más funesto de la historia de Bolivia. Durante su gobierno decretó el uso del sello de correos y el sistema métrico decimal, aumentó irresponsablemente la circulación del feble, saqueó el tesoro público, suprimió las municipalidades, y decretó empréstitos forzosos hechos efectivos con amenazas de muerte. También despojó a las comunidades indígenas de sus tierras para beneficio propio y de sus amigos. Esto llevó a masacres de indígenas. En política internacional mostró un servilismo humillante. Finalmente fue derrocado por Hilarion Daza, lo que llevó a una sangrienta batalla en las calles de La Paz que dejó alrededor de mil muertos. Su gobierno ha sido calificado como una mancha vergonzosa en la historia de Bolivia.


Who was Mariano Melgarejo?
Mariano Melgarejo was a Bolivian military and political leader who served as president of the Republic between 1864 and 1871.

What were the consequences of Melgarejo's rule on the indigenous population?
Melgarejo's rule had devastating consequences for the indigenous population, as he despoiled them of their lands in his own and his friends' benefit. He also issued a decree declaring that all indigenous people must pay 25 pesos in order to keep their land, which many could not do. This led to their lands being auctioned off for small sums of money to Melgarejo's favorites.

What foreign treaties was Melgarejo responsible for signing?
Melgarejo was responsible for signing a treaty with Chile for the joint exploitation of a territory between the 23° and 25°, as well as a treaty with Brazil ceding a 300,000 square kilometer area between the Madeira and Paraguay rivers.

How did Melgarejo take control of the government?
Melgarejo took control of the government with the support of the oligarchy.

How has the history of Bolivia been influenced by Melgarejo's rule?
Melgarejo's rule has been considered one of the most disastrous in Bolivia's history. He plundered the public treasury, suppressed municipalities, and issued forced loans with threats of death. He also signed foreign treaties that resulted in Bolivia losing its historical access to the Pacific Ocean.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth look at the life and legacy of Mariano Melgarejo, an important figure in Bolivian history. It also provides an accurate and unbiased account of his life and his controversial reign.

👎 This article fails to mention the positive aspects of Mariano Melgarejo's rule or any of his accomplishments. It paints an overly negative picture of Melgarejo, with no attempt to provide a balanced view.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Mariano Melgarejo, a Bolivian military and political leader who was president between 1864 and 1871. He is known as an emblematic leader of the so-called "barbaric caudillismo", and has been considered by some historians as the most disastrous president in the history of Bolivia.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: Well, the article paints a pretty bleak picture of Melgarejo's rule. He abused his power, looted the public treasury, oppressed indigenous communities, and signed treaties that ceded large portions of land to other countries. This has had long-term implications for Bolivia, as it has left the country without its historical outlet to the Pacific and has resulted in economic exploitation by foreign companies. It also highlights how important it is to have a government that is accountable to its citizens and respects their rights.

Action items

Technical terms

Mariano Melgarejo
Mariano Melgarejo was a Bolivian military and political leader who served as President of Bolivia from 1864 to 1871. He is considered by some historians to be the most disastrous president in the history of Bolivia.
Caudillismo Barbaro
Caudillismo Barbaro is a term used to describe the authoritarian rule of Mariano Melgarejo in Bolivia. It is characterized by oppressive and violent tactics used to maintain power.
Sello de Correos
Sello de Correos is a stamp issued by the government of Bolivia during the rule of Mariano Melgarejo. It was used to pay for postal services.
Sistema Metrico Decimal
Sistema Metrico Decimal is a system of measurement used in Bolivia. It was decreed by Mariano Melgarejo but not implemented until fifty years later.
Guano y Salitre
Guano and Salitre are natural resources found in Bolivia. During the rule of Mariano Melgarejo, the international prices of these resources increased, leading to an economic revolution in the country.
Decreto de Propiedad Indigena
The Decreto de Propiedad Indigena was a decree issued by Mariano Melgarejo in 1866. It declared that indigenous people could become owners of their land if they followed a legal process and paid 25 pesos.
Tratado del 27 de Marzo de 1867
The Tratado del 27 de Marzo de 1867 was a treaty signed between Bolivia and Brazil. It ceded 300,000 square kilometers of land between the Madeira and Paraguay rivers to Brazil, leaving Bolivia without its historical access to the Pacific Ocean.

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