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Journal of Research on Technology in Education


This study examined technology implementation practices associated with student learning gains. Interviews and observations were conducted at schools where teachers using reading and mathematics software attained above and below average achievement gains. The findings highlighted the importance of school practices such as principal support, teacher collaboration and classroom management. Challenges such as instructional coherence and competition for instructional time are also discussed.


What are the technology implementation practices associated with student learning gains?
The technology implementation practices associated with student learning gains include principal support and teacher collaboration around software use, classroom management, and use of software-generated student performance data.

How do school practices affect the use of software with students?
School practices affect the use of software with students by providing support and collaboration around software use, as well as by helping teachers manage their classrooms and use software-generated student performance data.

What teacher practices are important for successful software implementation?
Important teacher practices for successful software implementation include classroom management and use of software-generated student performance data.

What are the challenges to software implementation?
The challenges to software implementation include instructional coherence and competition for instructional time.

How can schools maximize student learning gains with technology?
Schools can maximize student learning gains with technology by providing support and collaboration around software use, helping teachers manage their classrooms, and using software-generated student performance data.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive look at the importance of school practices in relation to technology implementation and how it impacts student learning gains.

👎 The article fails to provide any concrete solutions to the challenges of software implementation discussed.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about technology implementation and how it affects student learning gains. The study found that schools with above-average achievement gains had strong principal support and teacher collaboration, while those with below-average gains had weaker support. The article also highlighted the importance of classroom management and using software-generated student performance data.

Friend: That's really interesting. It sounds like support and collaboration are big factors in successful technology implementation, as well as classroom management.

Me: Exactly. It also suggests that teachers need to be mindful of how they are using technology in the classroom and make sure it is integrated into the curriculum in a coherent way. It also hints at the need to be aware of how much instructional time is dedicated to technology.

Action items

Technical terms

Journal of Research on Technology in Education
This is a scholarly journal that publishes research on the use of technology in education.
A brief summary of the research study that provides an overview of the main points and findings.
Interviews and Observations
Data collection methods used in the study, in which researchers spoke with staff at schools and observed classrooms.
Principal Support
The level of support provided by the school principal for the use of technology in the classroom.
Teacher Collaboration
The degree to which teachers work together to use technology in the classroom.
Classroom Management
The strategies used by teachers to manage student behavior in the classroom.
Software-Generated Student Performance Data
Data generated by software programs that can be used to assess student performance.
Instructional Coherence
The degree to which instruction is consistent and connected across different topics and activities.
Competition for Instructional Time
The amount of time available for instruction, and the competing demands for that time.

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