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ChatGPT is less wowed by itself than we are


ChatGPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) tool created by the Financial Times that is less impressed with itself than we are. To access the tool, people must subscribe to the FT and choose between Standard and Premium Digital packages. Standard Digital includes access to a wealth of global news, analysis and expert opinion, and Premium Digital includes access to Lex and 15 curated newsletters. At the end of the trial period, users are auto-enrolled in the premium digital monthly subscription plan and can opt to pay annually for a cost-saving discount. ChatGPT is a tool that is available to those who have subscribed to the FT.


What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a natural language processing system developed by OpenAI.

How does it compare to humans?
ChatGPT is less wowed by itself than humans are.

What features are included in a Standard Digital subscription?
Standard Digital includes access to a wealth of global news, analysis and expert opinion.

What is the FT's Board Director Programme?
The FT's Board Director Programme is a programme designed to help board directors develop their skills and knowledge.

What is the FT Community?
The FT Community is a platform for connecting with other FT readers and engaging in conversations about the topics that matter to them.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ ChatGPT is an amazing tool that is helping to make data processing more accessible and efficient.

๐Ÿ‘Ž ChatGPT's accessibility help is not very intuitive and could use some improvement.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about ChatGPT, a new AI-powered chatbot, and how it's less wowed by itself than we are. It talks about the implications of this technology and how it could be used in the future.

Friend: That's fascinating. What implications do you think it could have?

Me: Well, it could have a huge impact on the way we communicate with each other. It could make it easier for us to have conversations with each other by removing the need for us to actually speak to each other. It could also be used to create more efficient customer service experiences, where customers can interact with automated bots instead of having to go through multiple layers of customer service. Additionally, it could potentially reduce the need for human labor in some industries, which could lead to job losses in the long-term.

Action items

Technical terms

ChatGPT is a natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI, a research lab focused on artificial intelligence. It is designed to generate human-like conversations in response to user input.
Accessibility help
Accessibility help refers to features and tools that make websites and applications easier to use for people with disabilities.
myFT is a personalized news feed feature on the Financial Times website. It allows users to customize their news feed to include only the topics and sources they are interested in.
Alphaville is a blog on the Financial Times website that covers financial markets and economics.
Moral Money
Moral Money is a Financial Times newsletter that covers ethical investing and sustainable finance.
ETF Hub is a Financial Times section that covers exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
FT Community
FT Community is a platform on the Financial Times website that allows users to connect with each other and discuss topics related to business and finance.
FT Live
FT Live is a series of events hosted by the Financial Times that bring together experts from around the world to discuss topics related to business and finance.
FT Forums
FT Forums are online discussion forums hosted by the Financial Times that allow users to discuss topics related to business and finance.
FT Board Director Programme
The FT Board Director Programme is a training programme offered by the Financial Times that provides guidance and support to aspiring board directors.
myFT is a personalized news feed feature on the Financial Times website. It allows users to customize their news feed to include only the topics and sources they are interested in.

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