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Creators, Communities, and Crypto Part II


In this article, the authors discuss the various ways that crypto might enable creators and communities, and how these developments might play out in the coming year. They discuss the potential for social tokens and for tokenizing physical goods, and speculate on how these might come to fruition. They also discuss the role of gaming in the metaverse, and how crypto might be used to create novel forms of media.


What are the three biggest developments in crypto over the last year?
The three biggest developments in crypto over the last year are the rise of investing as mainstream culture, the emergence of collector DAOs, and the increasing popularity of NFTs.

How do NFTs pave the way for investing in culture?
NFTs pave the way for investing in culture by allowing people to invest in digital art and other cultural products.

What are the benefits of a DAO over a traditional investment club?
The benefits of a DAO over a traditional investment club include the ability to directly interface with and own followings, the ability to tokenize assets, and the ability to create novel form factors.

How will the collision of the metaverse and crypto native assets play out?
The collision of the metaverse and crypto native assets will result in the creation of new, crypto-native platforms that build on NFTs as the primary building block.

How will automation change the way people get paid for their online activity?
Automation will change the way people get paid for their online activity by making it easier for them to get paid for their content and contributions.

AI Comments

👍 It's so cool that crypto is enabling creators and communities to directly interface and own their followings independent of any platform.

👎 I don't think people have not yet internalized that crypto or blockchains will be the single source of truth for everything in digital life, and digital life is becoming most of life.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how crypto might enable creators and communities.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that crypto could be used for that.

Me: Yeah, it's pretty cool. I think it has a lot of potential.

Action items

Technical terms

non-fungible token, a type of cryptocurrency that represents a unique asset
decentralized autonomous organization, a type of organization that is run through code rather than by a centralized group of people
Web 2
the second generation of the World Wide Web, characterized by increased user interactivity and collaboration
Web 3
the third generation of the World Wide Web, characterized by decentralization, personalization, and data ownership
a cryptocurrency wallet that allows users to store and manage their digital assets
a platform that allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital collectibles

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