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Komm, wir dissen die vom Government!


In this article, Lars Hoeger discusses the importance of digital sovereignty in the context of German public administration. He highlights the development of the German cloud strategy and the "Centre for Digital Sovereignty of Public Administration" (ZenDiS) project. He then discusses the "Sovereign Workplace", a modern open source software-based workplace for public administration. He gives an overview of the components of the Sovereign Workplace, such as Open Xchange, Nextcloud, XWiki, Collabora Office, and element. He also discusses the progress of the project, which is being developed by over 100 people, and the goals of the project. Lastly, he highlights the importance of Open Source Software in achieving digital sovereignty.


What are the expectations for the Sovereign Workplace in the German administration?
The expectations for the Sovereign Workplace in the German administration are that it must be visually appealing and highly integrated, reliable, and come together as a whole. It must also be Open Source, barrier-free, and compliant with basic security requirements, and all components must be interchangeable.

How does the Sovereign Workplace prevent vendor lock-ins?
The Sovereign Workplace prevents vendor lock-ins by ensuring that all components are Open Source and interchangeable.

What is OpenCoDE and what is its purpose?
OpenCoDE is an Open Source platform for the public administration, where anyone can register and follow what is happening with Open Source in the administration.

What components make up the Sovereign Workplace?
The components that make up the Sovereign Workplace include Open-Xchange, Nextcloud, XWiki, Collabora Office, element, Univention Corporate Server, and Identity Access Management.

What are the objectives of the Sovereign Workplace project and how is it being achieved?
The objectives of the Sovereign Workplace project are to provide a productive usable base version by the end of 2023, and to integrate nine large software products. This is being achieved through efficient communication, openness, and respect, as well as by utilizing existing progress in the public administration and proven Open Source Software.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the ongoing projects and initiatives in Germany to promote digital sovereignty in the public administration. It also offers a great insight into the progress made in the Sovereign Workplace project.

👎 The article fails to address the potential challenges and disadvantages of digital sovereignty in the public administration, leaving out an important perspective.

AI Discussion

Me: It discusses the importance of digital sovereignty when it comes to digitalization in the German public administration. It talks about the implementation of an Open Source Software (OSS)-based workstation for the public administration called the Sovereign Workplace. It's meant to be visually appealing, reliable, and integrated, and all its components must be open source, barrier-free, and compliant with basic security standards.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: The implications are that the German public administration is taking digital sovereignty seriously, and is making a concerted effort to put in place the necessary technologies and infrastructure to ensure a secure, reliable, and up-to-date digital environment. This could help to increase public trust in the government's digital initiatives, and could potentially lead to more efficient, cost-effective, and secure public services.

Action items

Technical terms

German for "come".
Slang term for "dissing", which means to criticize or insult someone.
The governing body of a nation, state, or community.
The process of converting information into digital form.
A strategy for using open source software.
Abbreviation for "Open Source Software".
A situation in which a customer is unable to switch to a different supplier or product due to barriers created by the current supplier.
A project started by Dataport in 2000.
Open-Xchange (OX)
A web-based software suite for communication, collaboration, and productivity.
A suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services.
An open source wiki software.
Collabora Office
An open source office suite.
A highly integrated chat and communication platform.
Univention Corporate Server (UCS)
An open source server operating system.
Identity Access Management (IAM)
A system for managing user access to systems and applications.
An open source project management software.

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