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Browse journals by subject


This article provides information about Taylor and Francis Group, which is a publishing company. It outlines the various services they offer, including open access publishing, reprints and e-prints, advertising solutions, and corporate access solutions. It also provides information about the wide variety of subject areas they cover, and how to keep up to date with their services. Finally, it outlines the company's privacy policy and cookie policy.


What topics are covered in the journals available?
The topics covered in the journals available include Area Studies, Arts, Behavioral Sciences, Bioscience, Built Environment, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Economics, Finance, Business & Industry, Education, Engineering & Technology, Environment & Agriculture, Environment and Sustainability, Food Science & Technology, Geography, Global Development, Health and Social Care, Humanities, Information Science, Language & Literature, Law, Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, Museum and Heritage Studies, Physical Sciences, Politics & International Relations, Social Sciences, Sports and Leisure, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, and Urban Studies.

What services does Taylor and Francis Group provide?
Taylor and Francis Group provides services such as open access, reprint and e-prints, advertising solutions, accelerated publication, and corporate access solutions.

What is Open Select?
Open Select is a service provided by Taylor and Francis Group that allows authors to make their research open access.

How can authors, research and development professionals, editors, and librarians benefit from Taylor and Francis Group?
Authors, research and development professionals, editors, and librarians can benefit from Taylor and Francis Group by taking advantage of their services such as open access, reprint and e-prints, advertising solutions, accelerated publication, and corporate access solutions.

What is the Cookie Policy of Taylor and Francis Group?
The Cookie Policy of Taylor and Francis Group states that they use cookies to improve website experience and that users can manage their cookie settings.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive overview of the journals that are available for readers to browse by subject.

👎 This article does not provide any information on how to access the journals that are listed.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about journals by subject. It provides information about the various journals available, how to access them, and how to register for them. It also provides information about open access, reprint and e-prints, and advertising solutions.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. What implications does this article have?

Me: Well, this article shows that there is a wide range of journals available for people to access. This could be beneficial for researchers, authors, and students as they can easily find relevant information in the right journal. Additionally, the article highlights open access and advertising solutions, which could be useful for researchers in terms of getting their work published. Finally, it provides information about reprints and e-prints, which could be useful for those who are looking to disseminate their research.

Action items

Technical terms

Browse journals by subject
This refers to the ability to search for journals by their subject matter.
Log in
This refers to the process of entering a username and password to access a website or application.
This refers to the process of creating an account on a website or application.
This refers to a virtual shopping cart used to store items for purchase.
Area Studies
This refers to the interdisciplinary study of a particular geographic region or culture.
Built Environment
This refers to the physical environment that is created by humans, including buildings, roads, and other infrastructure.
Communication Studies
This refers to the study of how people communicate with each other, including verbal, nonverbal, and written communication.
Computer Science
This refers to the study of computers and their applications.
Earth Sciences
This refers to the study of the Earth and its components, including geology, oceanography, and meteorology.
Economics, Finance, Business & Industry
This refers to the study of economics, finance, business, and industry.
This refers to the study of teaching and learning.
Engineering & Technology
This refers to the study of engineering and technology.
Environment & Agriculture
This refers to the study of the environment and agriculture.
Environment and Sustainability
This refers to the study of environmental sustainability.
Food Science & Technology
This refers to the study of food science and technology.
This refers to the study of the Earth's physical features and human activity.
Global Development
This refers to the study of global development.
Health and Social Care
This refers to the study of health and social care.
This refers to the study of the human experience, including literature, philosophy, and history.
Information Science
This refers to the study of how information is collected, stored, and used.
Language & Literature
This refers to the study of language and literature.
This refers to the study of law.
Mathematics & Statistics
This refers to the study of mathematics and statistics.
Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health
This refers to the study of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health.
Museum and Heritage Studies
This refers to the study of museums and heritage.
Physical Sciences
This refers to the study of the

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