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Brandminute Mockups


Brandminute Mockups is an online website dedicated to providing a range of mock-ups, UI kits, icons, text effects, backgrounds, and other graphic design resources. These resources are available to purchase and download, with prices ranging from $15-$68. The website also offers a bundle of 50 logo mock-ups and 50 logo templates for a discounted price of $49. Customers can also show their support by buying the website creator a coffee.


What is Brandminute Mockups?
Brandminute Mockups is a website offering resources for creating stunning branding showcases and hero scenes.

What type of resources are offered?
Brandminute Mockups offers mock-ups, UI kits, icons, text effects, backgrounds, and other graphic resources.

What items are exclusive to Brandminute Mockups?
All items are exclusive to Brandminute Mockups.

What items are available for sale?
Items available for sale include Brandminute Mockups, Simple Line Icons Pro, Wine Packaging Mockups, 50 Logo MockUps Bundle, 50 Logo Templates Bundle, Full-Color Logo Mockups Vol.1, Animal Logo/Badge Templates Vol.1 and Vol.2, 50 Logo MockUps + 50 Logo Templates Bundle, 10 Logo/Badge MockUps Vol.5, 10 Logo/Badge Templates Vol.5, 10 Logo/Badge MockUps Vol.4, 10 Logo/Badge Templates Vol.3, 10 Logo/Badge Templates Vol.4, 10 Logo/Badge MockUps Vol.3, 10 Logo/Badge Templates Vol.2, 10 Logo/Badge MockUps Vol.2, 10 Logo/Badge Templates Vol.1, and 10 Logo/Badge MockUps Vol.1.

What types of design elements are included in the resources?
Design elements included in the resources include layouts, icons, text effects, backgrounds, logos, badges, insignia, labels, monograms, lettering, and more.

AI Comments

👍 I love the wide variety of mockups and templates this article has to offer! It's a great resource for anyone looking to create stunning branding showcases and hero scenes.

👎 The prices for some of the resources in this article are a bit too high for my budget.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a website called Brandminute Mockups that offers mock-ups, UI kits, icons, text effects, backgrounds, and other graphic design resources. They offer premium resources for sale, such as logo mock-ups, simple line icons, wine packaging mock-ups, logo templates bundle, and more.

Friend: Wow, this looks like it could be really helpful for people looking to update their branding. It seems like a great place to find resources for a variety of design projects.

Me: Absolutely! It looks like there are lots of great resources available for a reasonable price. Plus, the website has a great selection of freebies as well. So, if someone is looking to update their branding or create a logo or other design materials, this website could be a great resource.

Action items

Technical terms

Brandminute Mockups
A collection of mockups used to create stunning branding showcases and hero scenes.
UI Kits
A collection of user interface elements used to create a graphical user interface.
Small graphical images used to represent an action, object, or idea.
Text Effects
Visual effects applied to text to create a unique look.
Images used as the backdrop for a design.
A prototype of a product or design used to demonstrate how it will look and function.
GraphicBurger Shop
An online store that sells graphic design resources.
Buy Me a Coffee
A phrase used to ask for donations or support.
Premium Resources
High-quality design resources that are available for purchase.
Images that look like photographs.

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