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This article covers a toolset on JavaScript that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users. This can be especially helpful for those who may have difficulty using a mouse or other pointing device.


What is the second part of a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users?
The second part of a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users is a toolset on JavaScript that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users.

What is the toolset on JavaScript that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users?
The toolset on JavaScript that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users is a great way to make websites accessible to keyboard users.

How can you create a great experience for keyboard users?
You can create a great experience for keyboard users by mixing the toolset on JavaScript into different components.

What is the goal of this guide?
The goal of this guide is to make websites accessible to keyboard users.

What are the two parts of this guide?
The two parts of this guide are a toolset on JavaScript and a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users.

AI Comments

👍 Great article! This is a great guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users.

👎 This article is WAY too long. 28 minutes is way too much time to spend on reading an article.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users.

Friend: That's really important! I had no idea that was something you had to think about when coding.

Me: Yeah, I know. It's really important to make sure that everyone can access and use your website, regardless of how they're doing it.

Friend: Absolutely. So this article goes into detail about how to do that?

Me: Yeah, it talks about using JavaScript to make sure that your website is accessible to keyboard users.

Friend: That's really cool. I'm definitely going to read it. Thanks for showing it to me!

Action items

Technical terms

a programming language used to create interactive web pages
the quality of being able to be used by people with disabilities
keyboard users
people who use a keyboard to navigate a website or application

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