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International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction


This article discusses the importance of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. A holistic analysis of current HCI work in developing AI systems was conducted and seven main issues in human interaction with AI systems were identified. In order to enable the implementation of a Human-Centered AI (HCAI) approach, new HCI opportunities were identified to guide HCI professionals in addressing these new issues. The authors also proposed alternative methods to overcome the limitations of current HCI methods in support of developing HCAI systems.


What changes have been introduced by AI technology?
The changes introduced by AI technology include new issues in human interaction with AI systems, new HCI opportunities tied to specific HCAI-driven design goals, and the limitations of current HCI methods in support of developing HCAI systems.

What new challenges do HCI professionals face when developing AI systems?
HCI professionals face new challenges when developing AI systems such as addressing the new issues in human interaction with AI systems, applying the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) approach in the development of AI systems, and overcoming the limitations of current HCI methods.

What opportunities are available to HCI professionals to guide the development of AI systems?
HCI professionals have opportunities to guide the development of AI systems by identifying new HCI opportunities tied to specific HCAI-driven design goals.

What methods can HCI professionals use to effectively apply the Human-Centered AI approach?
HCI professionals can use alternative methods to effectively apply the Human-Centered AI approach, such as engineering psychology, autonomous driving, and cognitive psychology.

What strategic recommendations are available for HCI professionals to influence the development of AI systems?
Strategic recommendations for HCI professionals to influence the development of AI systems include effectively helping HCI professionals apply the HCAI approach to the development of AI systems, and developing HCAI systems.

AI Comments

👍 This article effectively outlines the changes and challenges that HCI professionals face in developing AI systems, and offers useful insights into the limitations of current methods and strategic recommendations for successful implementation.

👎 The authors present a lot of information but fail to discuss the ethical implications of applying the HCAI approach to AI development.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about AI and the implications it has on Human-Computer Interaction. It talks about the new challenges that HCI professionals face when applying the Human-Centered AI (HCAI) approach in the development of AI systems. It also identifies seven main issues in human interaction with AI systems.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that HCI professionals need to think differently when developing AI systems compared to traditional non-AI systems. They need to focus on the new challenges and issues that come with AI technology, such as user experience and facial recognition. Additionally, the article proposes alternative methods that can help HCI professionals develop HCAI systems, and offers strategic recommendations for them to effectively influence the development of AI systems.

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence.
Human-Computer Interaction.
Human-Centered AI.
Human Factors
The study of how people interact with their environment, including the design of products, systems, and services.

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