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Careful — Lensa is Using Your Photos to Train Their AI


Lensa is a popular photo editing app that allows users to upload 10-20 images of themselves to generate 50 AI-generated selfies for $3.99. However, the privacy policy and terms of use state that the images submitted by the user may be used to train the app's artificial neural network. This neural network uses Apple's TrueDepth API to track faces, and it is this data that is used to train the AI. Some users have experienced issues with the AI generating images that don't accurately reflect their identities, leading to questions about the long-term implications of this technology.


What is Lensa's AI portrait feature?
Lensa's AI portrait feature is a feature that allows users to upload 10-20 images of themselves and then receive 50 selfies generated by the app's artificial intelligence in a variety of art styles for $3.99.

What data is used to train the AI neural network behind Lensa?
The data used to train the AI neural network behind Lensa is the "Face Data," which includes position, orientation, and face topology, and is harvested using Apple's TrueDepth API.

How does the use of AI generators in the artistic community affect illustrators?
The use of AI generators in the artistic community affects illustrators by making them worry about their income being affected and the possibility their work is being stolen to feed the neural networks.

How did Maya Kotomori's experience with Lensa's AI portrait feature raise questions about recognizing racial nuance?
Maya Kotomori's experience with Lensa's AI portrait feature raised questions about recognizing racial nuance because she received selfies that made her look like a white woman, though she is a fair-skinned black person.

What does Lensa's privacy policy state about the use of face data?
Lensa's privacy policy states that the face data users submit to generate their selfies can be used by Prisma AI, the company behind Lensa, to further train the AI's neural network, but it is not sold to third parties.

AI Comments

👍 The article provides a great analysis of the potential implications of Lensa's AI technology and the potential implications of users providing their face data to it. It also raises important ethical questions about how AI can be used to recognize racial nuance.

👎 The article fails to provide any clear solutions to the ethical concerns raised regarding the use of AI in recognizing racial nuance. Additionally, the article does not discuss how the data from user's face could be misused in the future.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Lensa, a photo-editing app that's become really popular lately. It has an AI-generated feature that creates 50 selfies for $3.99. But the article is warning people to be careful, because the company that owns Lensa, Prisma AI, is using the images that people upload to further train its AI.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It's amazing that AI can generate images, but it's kind of scary that it can learn from our photos.

Me: Yeah, it definitely raises some ethical questions. For example, if people with different skin tones upload their photos, could the AI be learning to recognize racial nuances? And what happens if someone's photos are used without their consent to train the AI? There are a lot of implications to consider.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a type of computer technology that is designed to simulate human intelligence and behavior. It is used to create computer programs that can solve problems, make decisions, and learn from experience.
Neural Network
A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence that is modeled after the human brain. It is composed of interconnected nodes that are used to process data and make decisions.
TrueDepth API
TrueDepth API is a facial recognition technology developed by Apple. It uses a combination of infrared and visible light to detect and map a person’s face.
Dall-E 2
Dall-E 2 is a text-to-image generator developed by OpenAI. It uses a neural network to generate images based on a given text description.

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