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Land Safety Code


This article provides five essential steps for staying safe in the outdoors in New Zealand. These steps include choosing the right trip for you, understanding the weather, packing warm clothes and extra food, sharing your plans and taking ways to get help, and taking care of yourself and each other. The article also provides other formats such as Easy Read, NZSL and other languages for how to care for Aotearoa.


What are the five essential steps to staying safe in the outdoors?
The five essential steps to staying safe in the outdoors are: choose the right trip for you, understand the weather, pack warm clothes and extra food, share your plans and take ways to get help, and take care of yourself and each other.

What commitment is everyone who lives and travels in New Zealand expected to make?
Everyone who lives and travels in New Zealand is expected to make a commitment to Aotearoa by protecting nature, being prepared, keeping New Zealand clean and showing respect.

What resources are available to help people understand how to care for Aotearoa?
Resources available to help people understand how to care for Aotearoa include Easy Read, NZSL and other language translations, and the Land Safety Code on the Adventure Smart website.

What should people do to ensure their safety while outdoors?
To ensure their safety while outdoors, people should learn about the route and make sure they have the skills for it, check the weather forecast and change their plans if needed, tell a trusted person their trip details and take a distress beacon, and leave a date and time to raise the alarm if they haven't returned.

How can individuals best take care of themselves and their group while outdoors?
Individuals can best take care of themselves and their group while outdoors by eating, drinking and resting, sticking with their group, and making decisions together.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article does a great job of providing detailed instructions for staying safe in the outdoors and offers resources for those who need them in multiple formats.

πŸ‘Ž This article does not provide sufficient information on how to prepare for outdoor trips and does not cover all potential risks.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Land Safety Code, which is a set of five essential steps for staying safe in the outdoors. It's important for everyone living and travelling in New Zealand to look after it and show respect for nature. It also comes in different formats like Easy Read, NZSL and other languages.

Friend: That's really interesting! It's great that they're making it accessible to everyone. What do you think the implications of this article are?

Me: Well, I think it's important that everyone has the right knowledge and tools to stay safe in the outdoors. It's also important that we all take responsibility for protecting nature and keeping New Zealand clean. By making the Land Safety Code available in different formats, it makes it easier for everyone to understand and follow. Ultimately, this should lead to fewer accidents and injuries in the outdoors.

Action items

Technical terms

A Maori name for New Zealand.
New Zealand Sign Language.
Easy Read
A simplified version of a document or text, designed to make it easier to understand.
Te Reo Maori
The Maori language.
Gagana Samoa
The Samoan language.
Lea Faka Tonga
The Tongan language.
Distress Beacon
A device used to send out a distress signal in an emergency.
Outdoors Intentions Form
A form used to provide information about a planned outdoor activity.
Plan My Walk
A website used to plan and share outdoor activities.

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