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How Facebook Changed the Basic Tech That Runs the Internet


The article discusses how Facebook has changed the way internet companies consume hardware, and how this has benefits for everyone who uses the internet. Facebook started sharing its hardware designs with the world in 2011, and since then many other companies have joined in. This has led to more efficient server farms and better hardware designs overall. The article also discusses how Apple has joined the effort and how this could help everyone who uses the internet.


What was the "big idea" that Mark Zuckerberg revealed to a group of Facebook employees in 2011?
The "big idea" that Mark Zuckerberg revealed to a group of Facebook employees in 2011 was that Facebook was building all sorts of new computing hardware that could more efficiently run its vast online empire.

How did Zuckerberg's idea differ from what Google was already doing at the time?
Zuckerberg's idea differed from what Google was already doing at the time in that Facebook planned to share its new hardware designs with the rest of the world.

What was the reaction of many people to Zuckerberg's idea?
The reaction of many people to Zuckerberg's idea was that it seemed overly idealistic, impractical, or even pointless.

How has Facebook's idea played out over the past four years?
The idea has played out much as Facebook said it would, with a social-networking company changing the way internet companies consume the hardware on which they run.

What are the potential benefits of Facebook's idea for other companies?
The potential benefits of Facebook's idea for other companies include the ability to build their own online operations, create a broad market for the gear, and reduce costs.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that discusses how Facebook has changed the tech industry for the better. It is fascinating to see how Facebook has influenced other companies and how their work is benefiting everyone who uses the internet.

👎 This article is a little too glowing in its portrayal of Facebook. The company has had its share of scandals and is not always as open and transparent as it claims to be.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how Facebook has changed the way that internet companies use hardware, and how other companies are now following suit.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that Facebook was doing that.

Me: Yeah, it's kind of a big deal. Facebook is sharing its hardware designs with the world so that other companies can use them to build their own online operations.

Friend: I see. And do you think this is a good thing?

Me: I think it's a great thing. It's going to help reduce costs for companies and make the internet more efficient.

Action items

Technical terms

Open Compute Project
a non-profit that oversees Facebook's effort to share hardware across the tech industry
Open source
refers to software that can be freely accessed, used, changed, and shared by anyone
PR stunt
an action or event staged for publicity purposes
idealistic to the point of being impractical
Server farms
a group of computer servers that store, process, and distribute data
to make more efficient or effective

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