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The EASIEST Way to Make Text in Midjourney


Midjourney v5.2 was recently released, and unexpectedly it includes a feature that makes it easier to add text to AI output. In order to use this feature, users must use the "--style raw" parameter and then place the word they want to make in quotation marks with a space between each character. Results can often take multiple attempts to get right, but simpler words like "Stop" or "Happy" can be done in just one or two attempts. Those interested can follow AI Creation Station to learn more about the zoom-in/zoom-out feature and how to turn them into videos.


What is Midjourney v5.2?
Midjourney v5.2 is the latest version of the AI art creation software.

How does the "Raw" parameter work in Midjourney v5.2?
The "Raw" parameter in Midjourney v5.2 tells the software to use a literal interpretation of the prompt rather than inspiration.

What settings should be used to get the desired text output in Midjourney v5.2?
The settings that should be used to get the desired text output in Midjourney v5.2 are the "--style raw" parameter, putting the word in quotation marks, and adding space between each character.

How many attempts are typically needed to get the desired text output in Midjourney?
It typically takes a few attempts to get the desired text output in Midjourney.

What will be covered in the upcoming blog post from AI Creation Station?
The upcoming blog post from AI Creation Station will cover the zoom-in/zoom-out feature and how to turn them into videos.

AI Comments

👍 This article was incredibly informative and helpful. It provided clear instructions on how to use the new Midjourney v5.2 update, as well as examples of how to use the parameters and the Raw feature to get the text you want. It also provided an example of a prompt and how to re-roll the prompt to get the desired result.

👎 The article was a bit too technical and hard to follow for beginners. It would have been helpful to provide more detailed explanations about the parameters and the zoom-in/zoom-out feature, instead of just mentioning them.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the new version of Midjourney called v5.2 and how it makes it easier for users to create text in their AI artwork. It also covers the new zoom-in/zoom-out feature and how to use it to make your own videos.

Friend: That's really cool! I didn't know Midjourney had so many features. What are the implications of this new version?

Me: Well, with this new version, it's much easier to create text in your AI artwork, which can open up a lot of creative possibilities. Also, the zoom-in/zoom-out feature makes it easier to create videos with your artwork. Overall, it makes the entire AI creation process simpler and more efficient.

Action items

Technical terms

AI Creation Station
A blog or website dedicated to providing information about artificial intelligence and its applications.
A software program used to create AI art.
Zoom-in/zoom-out feature
A feature in Midjourney that allows users to zoom in and out of their AI art.
A set of instructions given to Midjourney to create a specific AI art.
A parameter in Midjourney that tells the program to use a literal interpretation of the prompt rather than inspiration.
Re-roll the Prompt
The process of trying multiple prompts in order to get the desired AI art.

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