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Numan Balcı ile Sanal Mescidi Aksa Gezisi | Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu - YouTube


This article is about a YouTube video which features Numan Balcı taking viewers on a virtual tour of the Aksa Mosque. The video was produced by Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu and is available on YouTube. It discusses the history and features of the mosque and provides viewers with an informative and immersive experience.


What is the Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu YouTube channel?
The Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu YouTube channel is a channel that covers topics related to Turkish culture and history.

Who is Numan Balcı?
Numan Balcı is a Turkish historian and author.

What is the Sanal Mescidi Aksa Gezisi?
The Sanal Mescidi Aksa Gezisi is a virtual tour of the Aksa Mosque in Istanbul.

What topics does the Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu YouTube channel cover?
The Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu YouTube channel covers topics related to Turkish culture and history.

How can viewers access the Sanal Mescidi Aksa Gezisi?
Viewers can access the Sanal Mescidi Aksa Gezisi by visiting the Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu YouTube channel.

AI Comments

👍 Wonderful experience to learn more about the Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu with Numan Balcı and the Virtual Mosque Aksa Gezisi.

👎 No clear information provided on the NFL Sunday Ticket feature.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a virtual tour of the Aksa Mosque with Numan Balcı. It's part of a series hosted by Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it shows that people can still experience the beauty and culture of a sacred site even during times of social distancing. It also demonstrates that technology can be used to bring people together in meaningful ways, even if they can't physically be together. Additionally, it could be an example of how virtual tours could become more commonplace in the future, allowing people to explore different places without having to leave their homes.

Action items

Technical terms

Numan Balcı
Numan Balcı is a Turkish journalist and author.
Sanal Mescidi Aksa
Sanal Mescidi Aksa is a virtual mosque located in Jerusalem.
Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu
Dirilis Medeniyet Kulubu is a Turkish cultural club.
YouTube is an online video-sharing platform.
Copyright is a legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution.
Advertise is the act of promoting or marketing a product or service.
Developers are people who create software applications.
Terms are the conditions that govern the use of a product or service.
Privacy is the right to be free from intrusion or surveillance.
Policy & Safety
Policy & Safety are the rules and regulations that govern the use of a product or service.
How YouTube works
How YouTube works is a guide to understanding the platform and its features.
Test new features
Test new features is the process of testing new features before they are released to the public.
NFL Sunday Ticket
NFL Sunday Ticket is a subscription service that allows viewers to watch NFL games on Sundays.

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