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El impacto de las bebidas en la microdureza de las resinas compuestas


This study looks at how different beverages can affect the surface microhardness of composite resins. It was found that submerging the composite resins in beer and coffee had the greatest effect on the microhardness, followed by whisky and tea. Artificial saliva had the least effect on the microhardness. The study highlights the importance of considering not only the physical and mechanical properties of restoration materials, but also their interaction with the oral environment.


What are the advantages of using composite resins for dental restorations?
The advantages of using composite resins for dental restorations include their versatility, aesthetic appeal, and durability.

How does exposure to different beverages affect the surface microhardness of composite resins?
Exposure to different beverages can reduce the surface microhardness of composite resins.

What beverages were studied in the research?
The beverages studied in the research were tea, coffee, beer, whisky, and artificial saliva.

What were the results of the research?
The results of the research revealed that immersion in most of the solutions caused a reduction in the surface microhardness of the composite resin. In particular, the greatest mean percentage change in surface microhardness was observed in the beer group, followed by the coffee group. The lowest mean percentage change in microhardness was observed in the artificial saliva group.

What factors should be considered when selecting materials for dental restorations?
When selecting materials for dental restorations, factors such as exposure to various substances, the presence of alcohol in beer, the absorption of water from beverages such as coffee, and the interaction between the filler particles and the resin matrix should be considered.

AI Comments

👍 This research is an important reminder of the importance of considering not only the physical and mechanical properties of the restorative materials, but also their interaction with the oral environment.

👎 The results of this study were only conducted in a laboratory setting and need to be validated in a clinical setting.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how different beverages can affect the microhardness of composite resins, which are a popular option for dental restorations. The study found that the beer and coffee had the most significant impact on the composite resin's microhardness, while the artificial saliva had the least.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this study?

Me: This study highlights the importance of considering not only the physical and mechanical properties of restoration materials, but also their interaction with the oral environment. It suggests that when selecting materials for dental restoration, the interaction between the materials and the substances they are exposed to should be taken into account. Additionally, more research is needed to validate these findings in clinical settings and to consider the influence of dietary and oral hygiene factors.

Action items

Technical terms

La microdureza es una medida de la resistencia de un material a la penetración. Se mide con una escala de dureza Vickers, que se basa en la profundidad de una marca dejada por una punta de diamante.
Resinas compuestas
Las resinas compuestas son materiales de restauración dental compuestos de una matriz de resina y partículas de relleno. Estos materiales son populares para restauraciones dentales debido a su versatilidad, estética y durabilidad.
La inmersión es el proceso de sumergir un objeto en un líquido. En este estudio, los discos compuestos se sumergieron en cinco grupos de bebidas diferentes durante 15 minutos al día durante 15 días.
Microdureza Vickers
La microdureza Vickers es un método para medir la resistencia de un material al ser penetrado. Se utiliza para medir la dureza superficial de la resina compuesta antes y después de la inmersión.

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