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This article provides instructions for installing a browser extension for summarizing web page content using ChatGPT. It explains how to install the extension in Chrome and Edge, as well as how to build from source in Chrome and Firefox. It also provides instructions for translating the extension into a language of choice, and credit to the project which inspired it.


How do I install the Summarize browser extension?
Install to Chrome/Edge from the Chrome Web Store or download chrome.zip from Releases, unzip the file, go to the extensions page (chrome://extensions or edge://extensions), enable Developer Mode, and drag the unzipped folder anywhere on the page to import it.

How do I build the browser extension from source?
Clone the repo, install dependencies with yarn, run yarn run dev-chrome for Chrome or yarn run dev-firefox for Firefox, and load the build directory to your browser.

Is it possible to translate the extension into other languages?
Yes, it is possible to translate the extension into other languages. You can change the prompt in the options page right click the extension in the toolbar choose Options from the drop down menu.

What inspired the Summarize project?
The project is inspired by wong2/chat-gpt-google-extension.

How can I summarize web page content using ChatGPT?
Summarize web page content using ChatGPT by installing the Summarize browser extension and using the options page to change the prompt.

AI Comments

👍 This project is an excellent way to quickly summarize web page content and make it easier to read and understand. The installation process is straightforward and the browser extension supports Chrome, with more on the way!

👎 The FAQ section of the article is a bit confusing and could be more organized and easier to understand. Additionally, the Chinese translation could be improved for better accuracy.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a browser extension that uses ChatGPT to summarize web page content and it supports Chrome, with more coming. You can install it from the Chrome Web Store or download it locally.

Friend: Interesting! What implications does this have?

Me: Well, this browser extension could be very useful for quickly summarizing lengthy web page content. It could also help make the web more accessible to people who don't speak English, since it supports translation into other languages. Additionally, it could be a great tool for students who need to quickly scan a lot of information for research or studying.

Action items

Technical terms

Browser Extension
A browser extension is a software program that adds additional features to a web browser.
Chrome Web Store
The Chrome Web Store is an online store where users can browse and install web-based applications and extensions for the Google Chrome web browser.
Chrome and Edge are web browsers developed by Google and Microsoft, respectively.
Developer Mode
Developer mode is a feature in web browsers that allows users to access additional features and settings that are not available in the standard user interface.
Yarn is a package manager for JavaScript that allows developers to install, update, and manage packages and dependencies.
FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions" and is a list of commonly asked questions and answers about a particular topic.
Rewrite is the process of rewriting or revising a piece of writing to make it more concise, clear, or accurate.

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