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This article provides guidance on how to design digital resources for the best user experience. It advises to keep text out of images and to access the resources from a desktop computer for the best experience.


What are the basics of design?
The basics of design include keeping text out of images.

Why is it important to keep text out of images?
Keeping text out of images is important to ensure that the text is legible and readable.

What is the best way to view resources on Matilda MyDigital?
The best way to view resources on Matilda MyDigital is from a desktop computer.

What is the purpose of the posttest?
The purpose of the posttest is to assess the user's understanding of the material.

What can I do to improve my viewing experience on Matilda MyDigital?
To improve your viewing experience on Matilda MyDigital, you should access it from the mobile app.

AI Comments

👍 Thank you for visiting Matilda MyDigital! It's great to have a website that is tailored to providing a better experience for mobile devices.

👎 It's unfortunate that the resources available here can only be experienced fully from a desktop computer.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the importance of keeping text out of images in order to have a better user experience.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it means that designers need to be careful when creating visuals for their websites, apps or other digital resources. Text should ideally be kept separate from images, so that it can be easily read and understood by users. It also means that designers should consider how their designs will look on different devices, such as mobile phones or tablets. Finally, it's important to keep text out of images in order to ensure that the content is accessible to everyone, including those with visual impairments.

Action items

Technical terms

A mode of viewing a computer display where the entire screen is used, with no window borders or other user interface elements visible.
Expand All
A command that expands all the items in a list or tree view.
Collapse All
A command that collapses all the items in a list or tree view.
Modal title
A title that appears in a modal window, which is a type of window that requires user interaction before it can be closed.
A feature that allows users to save a link to a web page for easy access later.
A feature that allows users to add notes to a web page or other document.
My Progress
A feature that allows users to track their progress in a course or other activity.
Launch Posttest
A command that launches a post-test, which is a type of assessment that is given after a course or other activity.
Search results for
A phrase that appears when a user has searched for something on a website.
Back to Result
A command that returns the user to the search results page.
Open in App
A command that opens a web page or other resource in a mobile app.

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