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On AIs’ creativity


This article explores the implications of AI tools such as ChatGPT-4 being able to produce passable and even good papers in response to essay prompts. The author notes that while grade inflation could be a contributing factor, the implications of this technology are more far-reaching, particularly for the expressive individualist worldview. Ted Gioia's point that AI has created 100 million new songs in the same amount of time it took humans to create the same amount is used to illustrate the potential of these tools. The article raises questions about the implications of these tools on human creativity, and suggests that further technological innovation may lead to a clearer understanding of the limitations of AIs.


How have large language models (LLMs) been impacting human creativity?
Large language models (LLMs) have been impacting human creativity by producing writing, music, and visual art that looks like it comes from someone who feels, and that is increasingly difficult to distinguish from human-created works.

What implications does the AI revolution have for expressive individualists?
The AI revolution has implications for expressive individualists in that the few jobs that remain in creative fields are now endangered by technologies that can produce the products of human creativity.

How has AI music been received by experts and the public?
AI music has been received by experts as being generally "lousy", but there is a possibility that new iterations of the technology could improve this. The public has not yet had the opportunity to hear much AI music, as the number of recorded songs in the world only recently doubled due to an AI company creating 100 million new songs.

What is the difference between a reception aesthetic and a production aesthetic when it comes to art and aesthetics?
A reception aesthetic focuses on the reaction artistic or creative works produce in their audience, while a production aesthetic puts the artist’s human creativity first.

What have been the long-term impacts of discounted “at-scale” degrees?
The long-term impacts of discounted “at-scale” degrees are still uncertain, as it is too early to tell the eventual fate of these courses.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a compelling and insightful analysis of the implications of AIs' creativity and the impact it could have on expressive individualism.

👎 This article fails to provide any solutions to the potential problems posed by AIs' creativity.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about AI's creativity and how far it's come in a short period of time. It's quite alarming, as AI is now able to produce writing and music and visual art that looks like it comes from someone who feels.

Friend: Wow, that is a bit scary. What are some of the implications of this?

Me: Well, it has powerful implications for an expressive individualist worldview, where a good life has something to do with being yourself in a way you express to the world. With the rise of AI, there could be fewer opportunities in the creative fields for humans as AI is able to produce the products of human creativity. It also calls into question our theories of art and aesthetics, and what counts as good art. AI may soon be able to produce works of writing or music that can make you cry, but will anyone be listening to them among all the AI content that looks very similar?

Action items

Technical terms

Artificial Intelligence.
Large Language Models.
A natural language processing system developed by OpenAI.
A large language model developed by OpenAI.
A newer version of the ChatGPT system.
Expressive Individualism
A philosophical worldview that emphasizes the importance of expressing oneself to the world.
Gartner Hype Cycle
A graphical representation of the maturity, adoption and social application of specific technologies.
Massive Open Online Courses.
At-Scale Degrees
Degrees offered online at a discounted rate.

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